
Responses from shakeydeal

Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?
There was just a favorable review on It's probably a very good speaker, but I tend to read reviews on that site more for a laugh than anything else.Shakey 
Does anyone own the T+A CRITERION TCD 110 S?
"thoughts are on the CRITERION TCD 110 S?"Man, that is a mouthful.....Shakey 
Klipsch Cornwall III
Bob will finish them for you and he has those prices on his website. I am buying my pair used, but Bob built them for the original owner.Shakey 
IMO the two best tracks to demo or test any system
Celine Dion?I thought it was a joke at first, but I see you are serious.I am terribly sorry..........Shakey 
Can speakers of a certain high caliber can ....
Onhwy61, very well put.Shakey 
Can speakers of a certain high caliber can ....
I replaced a pair of 8K speakers with a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls that I paid 600.00 for. I will be moving to a pair of Crites Cornscalas next week, but the Cornies were enough to show me what's possible with horns. The newer stuff isn't always be... 
Klipsch Cornwall III
You could always go the Cornscala route. I am picking up a pair of these in a week. I have high hopes that they will best my CW IIs.Shakey 
Klipsch Cornwall III
"Go the thrift shop route. You can also find these speakers in antique shops as well."If you find a pair in a thrift shop, you would do well to buy them posthaste. The pair I recently purchased displaced a pair of highly regarded 8K loudspeakers.S... 
Klipsch Cornwall III
You might find the Cornwall knocking the Harbeth off the throne.Shakey 
so many choices, yet so little to demo
The very fact that the L+R speakers should closely flank the screen for the best HT performance prohibits their ability to image correctly for two channel audio. Not to mention that the screen is probably close to the wall, and the speakers should... 
so many choices, yet so little to demo
So you are buying FIVE speakers for 2500.00?And you will be using Onkyo/Emotiva to drive said speakers?First of all let's get this one out of the way. Any system combining HT and music duties must be configured to optimize one or the other. One or... 
adagios vs veenas
I had my Grand Veenas in a room very similar to your larger room and they worked great. That room would be my choice.Shakey 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
The last five years? Not that many.VS VR 4 Gen III HSEGMA Callisto with ML Depth subwooferGMA Continuum 3HDMontana EPS-2Piega P-10Wilson SophiaCoincident Technology Super Eclipse (that one lasted ONE day)Those are in no particular order. But now t... 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
Well I enjoyed my time with the Grand Veenas, but they will soon be with their new owner.Shakey 
Speakers that do pianos really well
Horns......nuff said......Shakey