
Responses from shakeydeal

Zu Druids compared to Tekton Lore Speakers
I will have a pair of Grand Veenas for sale soon. And I wont be asking a mint for them either.Shakey 
Why are Kitty Kat Revelators so invisible?
Not broken up about it. And you shouldn't be either, as long as you don't mind getting ~60% of the performance out of a speaker. All is well.....Shakey 
Why are Kitty Kat Revelators so invisible?
good luck with that "flush against the wall" thing......Shakey 
New Pre Amp suggestions
Why not post this in the "Amps Preamps" forum? Oh wait, that would be illogical.....Shakey 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
Tempting, but I still have to pass at this time.Glad you are enjoying the speakers, and the new tweeter.Shakey 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
Twobeers, er, I mean Tubeears,Thanks for the offer, but I think I will stay where I am for now.....;-}}Shakey 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
I'd like to have a little of whatever is in that pipe.....Shakey 
When is it to hot to cut the grass?
"You need advice on whether or not it's too hot to cut your lawn?Hope you figure it out. That's a tough one."My thoughts exactly. Some people should never leave the house alone, it is so dangerous out there.Shakey 
VPI 3D tonearm
Wow, if all you have to do is push a button and out pops a tonearm, why do you have to wait three more weeks?Shakey 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
No. I tried the VPI motor controller once, but that only affected the sound negatively. I sent it back to the dealer. I understand from other Nott owners that the Wave Mechanic is a nice improvement.Shakey 
adagios vs veenas
I assure you that you won't lose any coherence with the GV. I came from Green Mountain Audio speakers that specialize in time/phase coherence loudspeakers and the Grand Veena is at the very least their equal in that regard.Shakey 
Esoteric MG 10 vs Magnepan 1.7
If you like the Merlins, you will probably not like the Vandersteens. Polar opposites sonically.Shakey 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
Are the K & K's giant killersSome would say so. I like mine. I haven't felt the need to look further.Shakey 
sound at the record store
You people that responded about not playing a record on their inferior equipment are wound a little too tight. One quick play on their (insert cheap TT brand name here) is not going to do any more damage to that thirty year old record than Jimbo B... 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
I have an earlier version, not the maxxed out. Kevin Carter built it for me ~2001. I had one update performed since then.Shakey