
Responses from shakeydeal

Rivaling or Beyond the ESL 57 for Magical Midrange
What is going on with the speaker forum?No new posts since Monday?Same thing in the amp forum. 
JBL K2 5500 anyone?
"Now, that's doesn't significate"Hmmm......we making up words now? Or are you channeling Archie Bunker?Shakey 
what is my system's weakest link?
I agree that the Rega and the Thiels are probably not a good match. That said, I would probably replace the speakers first with something that is easier to drive. $1300.00 opens up a lot of possibilities on the used market. Specific recommendation... 
MA Silver Sale Starts NOW
Er....., ok, I guess.........Shakey 
Floorstanders designed to be against the wall?
You guys think he is still searching for this speaker 4+ years later?Holy Thread Revival, Batman..........Shakey 
When is a Listening Room Too Big
Rooms with open floor plans and cathedral ceilings tend to less than optimal for serious listening.Shakey 
Midfi Sleeper Suggestions...2nd systems, etc....
Don't forget the Klipch Heritage line. A pair of Cornwalls or La Scalas are the kind of speakers that can compare (and beat) many of today's high $$$ offerings.Shakey 
adagios vs veenas
I changed my amp from a VTL ST-150 to a pair of Quicksilver Mid Monos. The Cornscalas need very little power. I will likely try an SET at some point, I think 10-15 watts is plenty.Shakey 
Your top 3 worst purchases ever
"For me, all 3 came to Audio Research VT100! I got all 3 versions and they all needed repairs after repairs!!"You didn't learn your lesson after the first one?Or the second one........?Shakey 
inexpensive preamp for Ayre V3 with Green Mountain
"I have an Ayre V3 listed on Craiglist in electronics ,and a Classe CP-60 Pre-Amp.under High End Stereo Equipment For Sale.Randy 404-642-2294."Wow! Not sure how this one got by the Mods. Wake up guys......Shakey 
Magnepans and Rock
"Recent advances in computer assisted design of enclosures has changed the landscape a bit."Time marches on, unless it doesn't.I have heard three pairs of Klipsch Heritage speakers all with enclosure designs from 30 years ago. There are kilobuck s... 
Merlin TSM-MMM vs Adam Acoustics Compact MK 3
"Puts them in a different league,highly recommended.You will not be disappointed."With all the subsequent upgrades over the years, they probably had to create a new league for these.Shakey 
Driving YG Carmel's
What happened to the Revels and the B&Ws?Shakey 
A strange phenomenon
"Turn the system on and let it play for 2 hours and leave the room. How does the system sound when you return? If it sounds anemic at first listen, then it could be an equipment problem. If the system sounds great and then falls off within 2 hours... 
A strange phenomenon
I tend to agree with what Arh said. Systems that have that initial "wow" factor tend to wear on the listener in the long run. You may be mistaking what you hear for listener fatigue. Symptoms can be as you described, the desire to do something els...