

Responses from shadorne

Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
Bjesien,Nice..I am a Clash fan too....lets face it who isn't!!!Are you into Razorlight?...kind of a punky clash sound with a little rock opera/pop kinda polish mixed in...worth listening to, IMHO. 
my take on blind tests
Ray Charles used to swear by DBT. 
Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
i own a mac 275 amp. it is not a particular tube-like sounding amp. it is an amp many audiophiles would like if they took the time to listen to it.i intend to sell it within a month. Good luck - it seems Mcintosh in no longer an audio fashion sta... 
Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
Brand is for the fashion conscious. I don't think you have to be fashionable to be a true audiophile although if you are very fashion conscious and shun Mcintosh because it no longer carries an aura of exclusivity....more fool you! 
losing signal to center channel and subwoofer
You likely have a speaker configuration setup that allows for different configurations. You need to tell the DSP what speakers you have setup for each mode.Surround will often have a different set of speakers associated with it than Stereo/Music c... 
Interconnect and Speaker Cable Burn In
Indeed...the load will have impact on the volatge and current levels in the cable - so it is not just the music (signal) that is critical but also the load.You need to considerSource Signal ( type music, frequency content, in some cases test signa... 
Interconnect and Speaker Cable Burn In
keep in mind that I am somewhat technically challenged. From a technical perspective, cable burn in is totally unnecessary. I have never seen an engineering text book or scientifically peer reviewed paper that claims that burn in is required for ... 
Mac Mini & Outboard DAC
Restock,I used DisplayConfigX which worked brilliantly with my Sharp HDTV (supports up to full 1080P which is 1920 x 1080 pixels). I was only to get the video to output a 720p resolution that the TV recognized as 720p. I did not manage to get 1080... 
Why are hi-end active monitors not more popular?
Genelec 8050A and the PMC AML1 Excellent choices to audition, IMHO.Incidently, I believe George Massenburg chose the Genelec 8050A for near field monitoring in perhaps one of the most amazing and "on the bleeding edge" studio projects I have ever... 
my take on blind tests
Snofun, You said it very well. If you can't hear a difference in a blind test then the difference must be quite small. Given that most people can hear a change in tone control of around 1 db - it implies that these differences are very small indee... 
Mac Mini & Outboard DAC
I use a wireless keyboard with trackball with my Mac Mini. I don't use it to store music however - just to surf the net and control the CD players. This was I can control everything from the listening position on an HD TV. ON ething that gave me a... 
Blockbuster goes Blu-ray, HD DVD=beta?,
Rysa4,As I stated much earlier in this thread, content will likely be the deciding factor. It appears that the HD-DVD camp agrees with me as they paid $150 Million in order to get two studios to go exclusive for 18 months with HD-DVD.The data inde... 
Subwoofer Choice
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
I agree with Tvad. There are so many variables - no one can answer this for you. Overkill is doing more than you need for your setup and your gear combo. Some systems and decent power need NOTHING. Some gear combos and dirty power need a LOT. 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
That is awsome.Stearmsn,Are you referring to Roskelly's OTT 5.1 system that I posted?I hoped it woud get a few comments or push people to find some better pics of OTT systems to post. You know...for fun!