

Responses from shadorne

Tannoy Speakers
Bernie Grundman has used Tannoys for years...very good speakers...much of what you buy will have been mastered on them! Bernie has had close to 40 Grammy Nominations... 
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?
Luke you said Within minutes i heard more from a recording than i ever had with any other speaker I have knowm.Here is a review of the Quad ESL63 by J Gordon Holt.He states "First of all, these speakers have inner detail like nothing I have ever h... 
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?
Luke,What you report about the Quad mid range sounds accurate to me. I suspect you may tire of the deficiencies in the bass and lack of dynamics eventually, not a one night stand however, but give it a few months and you may be pinning for some re... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
LM,Do you mean to say that because they have selected a well respected (already expensive) cable like Monster and chosen to make it go head to head with a $7,000 cable that it would be hard to tell the difference? If so, then I guess you agree wit... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Do you believe that there are no discernable sonic differences between any audio cables? I would believe if a reviewer would step up to the plate and defend their statements. In the absence of defence, I remain skeptical of statements that cables... 
Acoustic Sound Treatment
Interesting article. It appears that LEDE enjoyed a very brief craze and is now dead. Interesting that a studio had to remodel because it sounded so bad. I am often puzzled why most Audiogon virtual rooms have extensive acoustic treatment on the w... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Dave,You may be correct. I see that Monster now sells solid core interconnects and they clearly state on their website. Ordinary cables can actually limit sound quality restricting dynamic range and frequency response. The result? You don't hear y... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Dave,No I have not tried solid core so my experience is limited to ordinary stranded cables of several types (including extension cord cable, lamp cord, monster etc.) and none have made a wit of differece to my tin ears except that I felt much bet... 
Acoustic Sound Treatment
so should one put panels behind listening position or behind speakers first? I'd go for behind the listener for bass trapping first but generally more broadband bass traps is better and you can't ever really do enough in bass trapping...although ... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Mr T....this may be what you are looking for Emperor (Check under products for Emperor loudspeaker)Impractical perhaps but since when has esoteric Hi-Fi been practical.20 electrostatic "woofer" panels should get you 110 db SPL down to 20 Hz! 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Personally I think it would be easy to distinguish Pear Anjou from Monster in a high resolution setup (the Anjou's have ultra low inductance numbers while keeping capacitance in check). Then why do you think John Atkinson and Dave Clark do not ta... 
Chamber Music - your best pick.
And now or something completely different but true to your genre request - Bond!...and you thought classical artists were stuck up and boring! JackBlack eat your heart out! 
does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
Freemand,You may be able to collect a million bucks from James Randi....you just need to be able demonstrate this skill to the media, on stage or in public forums. Randi may not allow your wife to particpate in case she is signalling to you someho... 
Acoustic Sound Treatment
Would two ceiling corner panels help out to further treat my room?Yes. Undoubtedly...two large corner panels will likely give an audible improvement in bass and lower mid. 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Just a thought - having never experimented - but could the issue be related to dynamics? A panel is not known for punchy dynamics (typically they compress audio signals and are preferred for classical listening) ...yet most subs are evaluated on t...