
Responses from sedond

Ortofon X3 X5 MC Cartridges
hi psychic, i am partial to melos preamps. but, if ya like buying brand-gnu, yure outta luck as they're no longer in biz. and, if yure not scared off yet, how about the fact that, after ~20 years of quality product, they finally went under cuz of ... 
Best match with Proac Response Series
hmmm, i wonder what was so bad w/my prewious post to garner negative wotes. i've had ample opportunity to hear the proac/arc combo, & it sounds excellent. it's what the usa proac distributor recommends for the speaker. it's what they said the ... 
Ortofon X3 X5 MC Cartridges
hi psychic, i have good sound w/my ortofon mc25-fl - a great tracking low-output mc. retailing for $450, the needle dr. has 'em perpetually on sale for $225. i have a symphonic-line re-tipped lyra clavis that i still haven't tried yet, cuz i enjoy... 
Best match with Proac Response Series
i've heard proac 2.5's driven to great effect w/an arc 100.2 s/s amp & the toobed arc ls16. the owner of this system purchased the arc stuff based upon the recommendation of the usa proac distributor. supposedly it's what the owner of arc uses... 
How can power cords make a difference?
702, ewe can make yokes about it all ya want, but it still doesn't make what i say any less true. brulee is right there's potentiual here, for us to learn from yer experience, but up unti now, we have fro ewe zilch, nuttin', nada. total waste of t... 
How can power cords make a difference?
7, everyone here is still waiting to hear what kinda music ewe listen to, on what equipment, w/what cabling, & what equipment/cabling yure familiar with. *yure* the one keeping it a secret. what's the point? i thought the purpose of this site ... 
How can power cords make a difference?
7, no problem if ewe do real research, testing, & inwolvement. woodn't hurt if ewe tried *listening*, too... refusal to try someting yust cuz it doesn't fit into yer pre-conceived notions of what's possible, isn't *real* research, testing, inw... 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
hiflyer, glad to hear ya found someting that works for you! curious, tho, if ya got to hear the diapasons...regards, doug s. 
Will Internet Distroy High End ?
the more tings change, the more they stay the same - the subjective wersus objective argument is as old as hi-end itself. proof that it's not dead, but alive & flourishing! :>) doug s., wery happy w/my low-distortion (0.07% thd) low coloura... 
Best CD player under 5000
radni, i dunno fer sure, but i'd bet that the cary cd-player is some yapanese player (originally assembled in h-k), that cary buys, then modifies in the usa. this is common w/lotsa hi-end players. call dennis had & ask him - i've found him to ... 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
hi musicdoc,my oracle cost me $850 w/a grace 727 tonearm & some decent mm cartridge i don't even remember, cuz i told the dealer to keep it. 'course, i spent money on it to have it updated to to mk-v specs (everyting except the power supply), ... 
Subwoofer Help...
chris, whichever model ya choose, i tink yule be better off w/two. better soundstaging, better integration w/your monitors, lower distortion for any given spl - *every* aspect of bass response improves w/a stereo pair of subs.ymmv, doug s. 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
leafs, yer analog rig will compete succesfully w/the best redbook cd rigs out there, at *any* price.bigo, *definitely* go used, yer ears will thank ya for it! ;~) doug s. 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
hi psychic, belt drive is an *adwantage*, imho... prior to getting my oracle, i *almost* bit at a nakamichi dragon - prolly wooda done it if it were belt drive insted of direct-drive... :>) re: the endless quest for sound, i'm also done... at l... 
Subwoofer Help...
hi gunbei, yes, the vmps subs are not amplified - czech out vmps' www for info about their subs. i know ya don't listen to specs, but it's a good place to start for subwoofers, & the vmps larger sub has about the lowest distortion/highest spl ...