
Responses from sedond

Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP
laywer, what ya say is true - about the grounds, that is - dunno about the muzzle! ;~) of course, while there may be exceptions, my experience has been that this sharing of common ground via the interconnects, is a major cause of system-induced hu... 
Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP
while using a cheater plug can, in theory, be dangerous, the *path* for ground woltage is generally dissapated thru the interconnects. using a cheater plug is basically dangerous when the equipment it's used on is not connected to anything else. i... 
Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP
steve, ewe could also be experiencing ground-loop hum - try a cheater plug between the amp & the wall, & see if the hum goes away...doug s. 
Best match with Proac Response Series
i've heard stellar results from proacs w/electrocompaniet, alchemist, & lo-power asl amps. as well as good sound at stores w/amps beyond my recollection. drubin, yure rite - hard to imagine getting *bad* sound outta proacs... but, i unnerstand... 
Best SS Preamp w/remote under 2k??
linn kairn w/slimline wersion of the brilliant power-supply is excellent. the fono in the fono-stage wersion is *also* excellent - bettering the musical surroundings phonomena, imho. awailable for doug, from my prewious experience w/an older ... 
Have you "lied" to yourself?
yes, i've *upgraded*, & heard no improvements. mostly w/interconnects. but, as i have yet to drop really big money on 'em, i really am not too upset about it. regarding component upgrades, as i usually buy used or close-out, no need to lie her... 
How can power cords make a difference?
i tink albert is correct. one fact that he fails to mention is that many mfr's actually *do* recommend the purchase of aftermarket power cords. some, however, do not...fwiw, doug s. 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
swamp, yure rite about that. back in ~'77, i took my ol' dual 1229 to the local ann-arbor stereo-shop to trade in on a *real* belt-drive 'table. 'couple hours later, i came home w/the dual, & a $100 m/m ortofon cartridge (big money for a cartr... 
Solid state amplifier $2K Used or New
i *almost sprung for a pair of the odysseys, but i found my electrocompaniet aw60ftt's at such a good price, i couldn't pass up these $2k retail beauties. and, i was already familiar w/the electro sonic signature.klaus of odyssey is a pleasure to ... 
Moving coil cartridge (AT OC-9) and Hum
is the revolver similar in layout, w/a similar motor as a regsa 'table? the regas are known to induce hum in non-shielded cartridges...doug 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
bigo, this sounds like a good deal. but, for me personally, if i were looking for a good used analog set-up, i'd be more inclined to look for a better 'table, w/a less-good cartridge, & upgrade the cartridge at a later date. i.e., perhaps try ... 
Win Labs strain gauge cartridges
analograven, i recommend the o-l modded rega rb-250 a fully-modded arm direct from them, or from stoneaudio-uk, will run ewe  
Solid state amplifier $2K Used or New
stowne, buy my older electrocompaniet aw100 - i'm only asking $800! ;~)of course, ewe can spend more on one of electrocompaniet's newer offerings - i presently am quite happy w/a pair of aw60ftt's werticially bi-amping my monitors; preamp is a mel... 
Amp Speaker $1200--no plastic boxes
i would try the emminent technology lft-11's. retail price - $499 w/o amp. go here for info: 
Ortofon X3 X5 MC Cartridges
be careful psychic - talking of burning cd's & mailing 'em gets a-gon & their lawyers real bent outta shape. i am serious here... of course, if yure only sending me cuts ya bootlegged from the radio, & from yer friend's garage bands, e...