
Responses from sedond

Subwoofer or new speakers? - need advice
angelus' wood be a nice upgrade, if ya like the tc60's. re subs, see "the best subwoofer" thread here for opinions about subs (mine included!). jeff is correct about how many powered subs are set-up - one reason why i prefer the wirtues of passive... 
The best Subwoofer
best subs i've heard are the sub towers of the infinity irs-v's. i'm sure subs of the $135k genesis top model full-range speaker are similar, as they're a similar design, done by the same guy. next best are the vmps larger subwoofers, and they're ... 
Best Preamp for under $1750.00
kasboot, how wood i hook up my turntable, tuna, & cd w/no preamp? and, besides, when it comes to cd, i'd much rather have it go thru a pre then be run straight-in to an amp. my experience was that a great pre leveled the playing field between ... 
Thanks Lak, Bear Lab cable is the best
i find bear labs' description of i/c's & their effects as "tone controls" quite interesting. it makes sense to me to have i/c's that are as neutral as possible, not "tone-controls".there is another mfr - innersound - that feels the same way ab... 
Toobs + SS = x
good combos can come from all s/s, all toob, or a mix. peraonally, i lean towards a mix or all-toob. only one golden rule: the one w/the gold makes the rules! ;~) doug s. 
Toobs + SS = x
jeez, redkiwi - no winyl? how awful, seriously... i get quite a musical sound from my electrocompaniet amps, but that doesn't mean i don't dream of a pair of big melos stereo tube amps! ;~) regards, doug s. 
improving my system, please help
crossing over subs to the m-l sl-3 is a whole lot different than crossing over to cls's or some other full-range esl. the sub is being crossed over to a dynamic driver w/the sl-3's: m-l awreddy botched the integration of the e-stat w/the dynamic d... 
Toobs + SS = x
ux4, sorry, i missed the fact that ewe were quoting redkiwi... oops. ;~) redkiwi, i guess yure rite - if yure using an unmusical/hard/cold/grainy (choose one or more) ss pre-amp, ewe can certainly warm it up by adding a mushy toob amp... :>)ple... 
Toobs + SS = x
ux4, ewe say, regarding using toobs to warm tings up: "...look elsewhere & remove the problem..." well, i guess yure rite - we can ditch all our digital hardware & software! ;~) while toobs were always popular w/a small percentage of audio... 
Advice sought on Lowthers.
Senorkenessey, the moth stuff *is* nice-looking - personally, i really like the nite-lite! ;~) but, the antique sound labs stuff also looks pretty cool, & is reasonably-priced... doug s. 
A Canadian marrying a Dutch?
stereokarter, the dyn 3.3 is the dynaudio 3.3 loudspeaker. i'm not familiar w/this model, but dynaudio's i've heard are wery accurate & revealing, lotsa detail. i tink toobs wood go well w/'em...doug s., russian/german mix married to a danish/... 
improving my system, please help
blueswan & pmwoodward - vertical bi-amping *is* dual mono - one amp for each channel. ewe give up a tad power compared to bridging the amps, but bridging causes the amp to see a speaker af half its ohm-rating, ie: it's like a 4-ohm speaker is ... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
tobias, while i tink there's much merit in what ewe say, there's a major glitch - the linn sondek was awailable for 12 years prior to the introduction of the 1st commercially awailable cd-player. and, *many* less expensive players would smoke the ... 
improving my system, please help
dedicated line is a good idea. for amp conditioning, i'd suggest the vans evers unlimited - it won't degrade the amps' sonics; may even improve them a hair. re: getting odyssey monos, i'd suggest getting another stereo amp & running in a werti... 
Advice sought on Lowthers.
senorkennessey, 3w will be more than enuff for the hedlund & oris horns, but are ya sure that's what ya want? yust tink of the ease of presentation if ya went w/a 5w-8w muscle amp! ;~) doug s.