
Responses from sedond

sub power amp and crossover,which one?
jim's adwice is good. (i know - he also likes alfas!) i use two adcom gfa555's to drive my 4 ohm vmps larger subs. i was running 'em bridged yust fine, but due to all the recent talk of bridging halving the load the amp sees, & halving the cur... 
Best CD player under 5000
as i've seen emc-1's for as little as $2k brand-gnu, perhaps when the 24-192 wersions come out, the 24-96 wersions will meet my cheapskate approval guide, & isle czech one out. at least, it'll match my electro amps! ;~) doug s. 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
tanks, hiflyer! :>) where, by the way, can ewe audition these speakers? i know only of hurricane hi-fi in az, that carries these. the distributor said he'd send me a pair for audition a couple years ago, but i was up-front & told him i coul... 
Best CD player under 5000
gregg, tanks for yer apology - it was unexpected & most appreciated. :>) leafs, while i know i'm not the only one who thought a certain mr. eber could be uncivil at times, i don't condemn a product yust cuz some yerk thinks it's the holy gr... 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
must be some dealer pinging me w/negative wotes for encouraging folks to get more for their money by shopping used. oh well... 
Best CD player under 5000
leafs, as far as abandoning a preamp goes, even w/the resolution audio cd-50, known as being one of the best to use, run straight-in to an amp, i tink its' better to run it thru a preamp. so what if it *is* a tone control? if it sounds better, it ... 
Best CD player under 5000
ya, sure leafs, whatever... don't knock it 'til yuve tried it. no, i dint try a $5k cd player. i *did* try i highly respected $3k cd player, tho, & the results were as reported above. sure, perhaps spending $5k or more *will* get ya more resol... 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
hiflyer, it's been a couple years since i've heard the extremas, &, to be honest, i don't remember the specifics re: amplification. i *do* remember they were great, & that they *do* require lotsa juice. yer monoblocs, at 150 per, may be en... 
AMC Tube Amplifiers
sorry joe, looks like davie beat ya to it - w/*that* much $$$, now i can get those melos amps i lust after... ;~) 
Delphi owners- BDR carbon clamp
nope, not yet davie - i'm waiting 'til i can get it for at least 50% off... ;~)doug s. 
AMC Tube Amplifiers
joe, be careful - i tink these guys may be being nice to me cuz they're tired of me plugging my amp f/s, every oppurtunity i can get... ;~) and, i guess trelja's right - it's not that the amps are toob-like, it's more like: those who prefer toob a... 
Delphi owners- BDR carbon clamp
poop!!! i thought i was *done* spending money on my oracle! ;~) regards, doug s. 
Best Preamp for under $1750.00
everybody knows melos is yunk, unreliable, poor service, etc. yust ask leafs! ;~) but, of all the pre's mentioned here, only the joule electra la 100 mklll wood be of any interest to me, to audition it against my melos music director. i'd be inner... 
Highest B/B
ryllau, i fergot to add - if yer really serious about wanting to buy an amp yust for break-in purposes, the electro will be better than the adcom 555, even tho the 555 has more watts. the electro has a *lot* more current output - about 4 times the... 
Highest B/B
ryllau - wanna rent the electro aw100 i have adwertised f/s here on a-gon for $800? ;~) sonics are ackshully pretty good, even toob-lovers tink so. i presently use a matched-pair of electro's in a wertically bi-amped set-up cuz i can't afford the ...