
Responses from seandtaylor99

What Rags carry the most review weight???
Use all mags to draw up a shortlist, then audition as many as possible, in as similar conditions as possible, preferably using your speakers and CD player.No mag. should be used as a blind (should that be deaf) purchase decision.Also since amps an... 
CD Recordings..... What Do U Know?
I agree with this point of view. So the copy may sound better if it is played on a machine or DAC which has a worse error correction capability than the machine on which the copy was made. For example playback on a portable CD, copy made on HHB bu... 
CD Recordings..... What Do U Know?
Rives .. reclocking is certainly helpful on playback if the transport does not have a very good clock to begin with. I think jitter is the death of CD sound quality, but I also suspect that manufacturers of cheap CD players use jitter as a kind of... 
CD Recordings..... What Do U Know?
Are you saying that uneven spacing of the pits on the CD contributes to jitter during playback ?I don't think I can believe this because data is retrieved from the CD at a different rate from the rate at which it is fed to the DAC (this must be th... 
CD Recordings..... What Do U Know?
Could anyone give a technical explanation of how the sound is supposed to improve ... after all its bits, 1s and 0s on the disk, and the timing (e.g. jitter) is not derived from the disk itself, but from a reference oscillator inside the CD player... 
HELP: is Monarchy Audio DAC a good idea?
It's hard to say ... your system is good, especially at the price, but not overly resolving (no offense .. you probably realise this). I'd say that you should either demo a DIP before buying, or just buy one here on Agon and worst case resell it a... 
HELP: is Monarchy Audio DAC a good idea?
Think about how the waveform output of an D/A convertor will be distorted if the sampling rate is not consistent. Amplitude distortion, phase distortion. I too was skeptical, but after I heard the difference I thought about it a little more and it... 
Subwoofer placement problem solved...
I find it works best when I put the sub in my normal listening postion, leave the room, walk to the pub, drink several pints and then return to the room and sit just about anywhere.Seriously that is good advice you were given. I ended up placing a... 
HELP: is Monarchy Audio DAC a good idea?
I would auditon a Monarchy DIP at the same time. I have a monarchy 22 DAC which I drive from the SPDIF output of my Marantz CD67se. The Monarchy DACs do not reclock the input to remove jitter, so when I added the DAC to my CD player there was not ... 
What are the 5 most overrated rock albums?
Brothers in arms .... aaarrrggggh ! They sold out. How could the band that made Communique and Making Movies have recorded this pap ! 
Most Sublime Beethoven Symphony
I'm no guru, but I'll chip in.Not the whole symphony, but the second movement of the 5th symphony is my favourite (of those I have heard). I could listen to it forever. Don't much care for the "pompous" first movement though.On the Beethoven subje... 
upscaling, bits and resampling ??
Zaikesman is spot on ... ignore the hype and use your ears. If you're interested in how it works go to DCS's web site Beware of answers on Audiogon, because it is my experience that many people offering answers ... 
Vintage turntable running fast, any ideas?
As they say .. if it's only slightly broken, consider whether you want to risk fixing it ! :-0Glad it worked out. - Sean 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Zaikesman ... your accusations are quite valid ... I usually don't have much time to do a thorough read. Re-reading the thread we are in close agreement.Thanks also to dan2112 ... this white paper was very interesting. Perhaps if I get the time an... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Zaikesman ... I think you're being a bit pedantic. Increasing the sampling rate is the goal, and it is necessary to have some sort of interpolation in order to be able to assign a value to those new samples. One cannot interpolate without increase...