
Responses from seandtaylor99

What does Current mean in a power amp???
I think you asked the wrong question. The correct question is "What amp will drive XXXXXX speakers for XXXX dollars ? My musical tastes are XXXXX and I like to listen loud/medium/soft. My room size is XXXXX."After that I'd demo the suggestions. An... 
Why vinyl?
blkadr ... you're right. Sound quality aside, LPs are much more treasured posessions than CDs. And LPs look so cool spinning on a good deck.As for sound I like both. CD for classical (because of low background noise) LP for rock (AC/DC, Zeppelin e... 
Woofer pumping - what gives?
No. No wubbing on my rega now. That's a totally unsuspended deck. I've got to hand it to my $10 block of concrete and $5 foam slab.Of course I could have gone to a dealer and bought audiophile concrete for $150. 
Audio Aero Capitole II with no serial numbers?
golden_Ears .... I am similarly amazed that more people haven't made the connection between going to walmart to buy cheap crap and the fact that almost the only jobs left in the US now are flipping burgers and selling starbucks. I am a UK citizen,... 
Woofer pumping - what gives?
blkadr ... my woofers used to wobble even when the record was just cued up and the track hadn't started. I think that subsonic feedback can occur just due to warping of records. For the wobbling to be visible as wobbling (and not a blur) the frequ... 
Audio Aero Capitole II with no serial numbers?
I agree with satothestars and bwhite. Customers should be treated well. Likewise customers must show some intelligence. It's just like cars ... I can buy certified pre-owned, pay a bit over the odds, and sleep easy at night, or I can take a risk a... 
Woofer pumping - what gives?
Could it also be low frequency feedback from the speakers to the turntable ? If your turntable is not well isolated from the speakers you'll get this problem (I did a few years back). If your speakers are spiked into a wooden floor (either directl... 
Help Total Confusion
If the speakers are a couple of inches in front of the rack, and are not excessively toed in (so that any sound waves going towards the rack are greatly attenuated) then I don't think you'll have any problem.Also watch out for the side walls ... t... 
Subwoofer slam vs boom
Sugarbrie ... I have to disagree from personal experience. I had the REL on very little gain, with the rolloff down at about 25Hz and it still boomed away in the corner. The only way I could get good integration, and slam without boom was to bring... 
Subwoofer slam vs boom
Hi Marty ... it might be corner placement. I have a REL Strata .. a very different, sub, but still a sub. It's crossed at around 30Hz with my mains. I found that corner placement sounded very very boomy, even with the gain turned right down. I now... 
What could be instead of side walls?
Marakanetz .. I'd try sitting a little closer to the speakers, and moving them a little closer together. I have a very small listening room, and as a result I sit only 5 feet from the plane of the speakers (roughly 6feet from the cones). The speak... 
Review: NAD 3020 Receiver
The NAD3020 is great. I had one for about 5 years ... my first amp. To make it better pull the pre-power jumpers and run a CD player with remote volume direct into the power amp section ... much more dynamic, and less fuzzy. I used an external swi... 
How do YOU justify this hobby?
My system cost around $5000. Each component lasts me an average of 10 years, listened, on average about 2 hours a day. Add in about $3000 of LPs and CDs and this works out at about $1 per hour cost for the whole lot (assuming 10 yr write off).I bu... 
The Best Amplifier Ever ?
Ed .. clearly beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or beerholder). I thought that amp looked like a high end food processor. 
$150 Transport anyone?
Sean:my sample set is small. I bought a $250 sony player and it lasted 18 months. I've had two Marantz players of similar cost and they both have lasted > 5 years. I have a 15 year old mission player with a philips cdm2-10 still going strong. I...