
Responses from sean

Classe DR-9 vs Sunfire Signature
Schipo: The closest thing to what you are refering to is a Sunfire Symphonic Reference amplifier. It does not have dual AC power cords and it was a "budget" model from Sunfire. For a view of the products that Sunfire offers and has offered in the ... 
Source for schematics
Thanks for the attempt Greg, i do appreciate it. I had tried one website already and was unfamiliar with the other. No luck at that one either. Sean> 
Why aren't component active XOs more popular?
Suits me: I've recently been talking to a couple people that are attempting to run active crossovers on commercially built passive speakers. The more that they dig into it, the more that they realize that this is going to be a lot of work. As such... 
BAT vs Pass Labs Amp
Jwin: My comment above was based on the fact that many "bottleheads" won't look sideways at an SS amp, regardless of how good it sounds. The Pass amps are SS and Mdominick specifically stated "am hooked on tube gear". Sean> 
Why aren't component active XOs more popular?
Suits me: Have you ever seen serious test results from most "audiophile" speakers? The mass majority aren't nearly as well designed or integrated as one might think. "Audiophile grade" loudspeakers are one of the highest profit margins out there (... 
Why aren't component active XOs more popular?
Thinkat and Serus summed it up. It is both more difficult and more rewarding if one puts forth the effort required. As far as the "purists" go, i don't know of anyone that has heard a well designed actively crossed system that would choose a passi... 
tweeters- metal or soft dome?
Metal domes tend to sound harder and more "metalic" due to increased ringing and a lack of internal damping. Soft domes tend to sound "softer" and more forgiving due to increased internal losses i.e. being over-damped. Obviously, any design a appr... 
Bi-amping with "split mono-blocks"?
I am using six stereo amps with all 12 channels actively driven. Each stereo amp is run as a mono-bloc though i.e. both channels of one amp sharing the load on the right bank of tweeters and both channels of an identical amp feeding the right bank... 
Can we have an "Ask Sean" catagory?
Unsound, we're always glad to see both seasoned vets return to the fold. We all need time and space and i can understand your thoughts / feelings on the situation. I'm in one of those places right now, hence my lack of posting to the extent that i... 
Speltz Anti Cables
George47: At 3/4" spacing between conductors, the nominal impedance would be quite high, probably about 600 ohms or so. The inductance would also be quite high with the impedance climbing as frequency rose. You would end up with less impact on dyn... 
Radio Shack SPL Meter mods corrections
Bob: The calibration pot simply allows one to adjust for factory tolerance at one reference frequency and spl. Once that is adjusted, the non-linearities of the circuitry / mic still come into play at other frequencies and spl's.As to whether or n... 
Sonic Frontiers or Pass with Dunlavy 4a
The Python's are NOT THE SAME electrically or sonically as the Equivalent gauge Veracity design. In my opinion, they are a lower grade product that was designed to compete with other products cosmetically and to increase the flexibility of the con... 
Subtlety ? do any American amps do it?
Pass amps need to be left on 24/7 and you need real speaker cables if you want them to work their best. Having a subwoofer firing directly into the chassis of the amp also can't help things much. Sean> 
Sonic Frontiers or Pass with Dunlavy 4a
Before swapping active componentry, i'm going to give you my standard answer for someone running good quality equipment but looking for that last bit of system performance and sonics. That is, try swapping some Goertz MI-2 Veracity speaker cables ... 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
Jneutron: What do you do about skin effect, conductor shape, EM field ( and therefore the impedance ) consistencies at various power levels, etc ??? I'd like to see what your "simple math" approach to cable design comes up with when all of the fac...