
Responses from sean

THE LATEST---Gold plated fuses?
Uppermidfi: Yes, i do believe that cleaning contacts, especially in critical areas, can make an audible difference. As such, simply pulling a fuse, cleaning all of the associated contacts and then re-inserting that same fuse could quite possibly i... 
Alpha-core advise?
"Interestingly the greatest improvement was with the smaller less expensive amp and to the smaller less expensive speakers."Gear that is less robust will always respond better to improved signal transfer characteristics. "Sturdier" gear has more m... 
Alpha-core advise?
1) The nominal impedance of most any product known to man will vary as frequency is altered. This includes speakers, the output impedance of the amp, speaker cables, etc... As such, the key here is to use components that are "reasonably well match... 
Leave tube amp on all day?
If you're going to be using the amp for the majority of the day at various times, leave it on in standby mode. If you aren't going to use it for very long each time and / or have extended periods between use, turn it off and on as needed using you... 
THE LATEST---Gold plated fuses?
Rather than replace one's fuses with something that costs quite a bit of money ( for what it is ), why not try doing something to simply optimize what one already has? That is, remove the existing fuses and thoroughly clean ALL of the mating surfa... 
whats your idea of loud music.
Eldartford made some good points about distortion, power levels and perceived volume. If one looks in the archives, you'll find that i've always been a BIG fan of "dynamic headroom" in all aspects of system operation. Stressing any part of the sys... 
Internal Speaker Cabling
I have performed quite a few modifications to existing commercial loudspeaker designs, some of them being as simple as removing and replacing the factory installed cabling with "better" aftermarket wiring. In every case that i can recall, there wa... 
Canare 4S11 Star Quad cables for speaker
Whoaru99: This type of cable suffers from the same type of signal degradation that most other speaker cables suffer from. That is, it uses lower grade dielectric and more of it due to having four conductors rather than two. On top of that, it is a... 
Canare 4S11 Star Quad cables for speaker
The spiral wrapped starquad geometry when properly configured ( staggered polarity i.e. + - + - ) helps to lower the nominal impedance of the cable. This not only increases power transfer, but also broadens bandwidth and improves transient respons... 
Shure V15 IV aftermarket replacement stylus
Canadian Astatic used to have high quality aftermarket stylus available for something like $25 - $35 US dollars apiece. Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor used to sell the same stylus for something like $90 or so. Hope this helps.... Sean>http://www.... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
1) ALL speakers are pretty highly coloured to one extent or another. We all know this. Having said that, there are certain design attributes that we know to work better than others IF measurable accuracy are a high priority. At the price that Wils... 
Digital sources best with Hydra 8's analog outlets
Brb: A scope is but a single tool amongst an arsenal of test equipment. While it can be a VERY useful tool, it is also quite limited in scope.Having said that, most all of the operating design parameters of a power cord ( or any cable for that mat... 
Early 80's - late 70's best audio products
The upper level RS 1500 series of Technic's reel to reel's are probably the finest ever made and were available in that time period.If some of the passive parts are updated along with a few other mods, the AGI 511A is a stupendous performer. As i'... 
Problems with Optrix Spray
I have a brand new bottle of Optrix, but have never tried it. I have seen other threads such as this where others commented on Oprix treated discs "clouding up" and / or having a hard time getting it off of the discs. Whether or not the clouding a... 
Nordost cable evaluation.
Thanks for alerting me to the fact that you posted this Ed. As most of you know, i haven't been on the puter nearly as much as i usually am and i probably would have missed this had you not contacted me directly.I'm glad that you were able to perf...