
Responses from sean

Mating power cords with APL 3910
Samuel aka Grant: Thanks for taking the time to respond and provide more info. I was beginning to wonder if this was going to be like the last thread where i asked questions of a manufacturer and they never responded. They did respond to others wi... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
"A speaker cable cannot deliver more detail than what it is given -- it cannot CREATE detail / to think otherwise is magical thinking. "This is EXACTLY why i want Rsbeck to listen and compare some Nordost to his reference i.e. heavy gauge zip cord... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Doug: Believe it or not, this is one piece i've never popped the hood on as of yet. This is the busiest time of year for me i.e. right around tax time. As such, i've not attempted to start any more projects due to a lack of time. I've already got ... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Bob aka Ptm: Thanks for the link. This is just what i was looking for. This combined with some other basic mods should really wake this player up. As mentioned in my post directly above this one, the second 841 that i picked up sounds MUCH better ... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
I returned the first HD841 to Best Buy after about two weeks and picked up another one that they had there. This one sounded much better as soon as i fired it up. Evidently, there is either a pretty wide parts tolerance from unit to unit or a comp... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Rsbeck: The only way that you could you have a frequency response chart for a speaker cable was if the speaker cable itself was the terminating load. Otherwise, the electrical characteristics of the speaker cable combine with the electrical charac... 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Viridian: All drivers exhibit some type of roll-off that is mass related. Too heavy of a cone for the capacity of the motor structure and suspension and you lose high frequency response. Too light of a cone for the capacity of the motor and suspen... 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Drubin: I don't know of any that are currently in production. Even those that come close ( German Physiks, MBL, Huff, etc...) use an additional driver of conventional design ( woofer ) to cover the bottom end. The original Walsh's are very time co... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
I never asked you to trade in your cables or that i could hear the difference between -.1 dB down at 20 KHz and a flat response. Both of those are false statements that you use to divert attention away from the real facts of the matter.I simply as... 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Drubin: Those aren't Walsh drivers, they aren't omni's or a point source, there is a crossover network and they are two way designs. The only thing "Walsh" about them is the name. Sean> 
Biamping Dunlavy SC-V
Dazzdax: Now we are getting somewhere. 4K is too low for most preamps and will result in the exact problem that you've described i.e. bloated bass response and trunctuated treble output. My Dad ran into the same problem in his system several years... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Talon: While cost may not be an object to Rsbeck, he refuses to listen for himself and draw his own conclusions, even if it costs him nothing to do so. Instead, he chooses to regurgitate the "hype" that he has been fed by various cable naysayers b... 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
After you hear a true full range point source omni driver, anything else sounds less like music and more like a speaker. This is true regardless of the crossover slope used : ) Sean> 
Song intros that really grab you? ?
Some really great tunes listed above. Here's what i thought of off of the top of my head in no specific order. You know what they are as soon as you hear the opening line...Taxman by The BeatlesAngel of Death by SlayerAllegro Molto by Nikolai Rims... 
Have U ever bought an LP because of the cover art?
Shventus: Thanks for the interesting bit of info. As to what Papertrail said, i guess we can learn something new everyday. Even here on Audiogon ;) Sean>