
Responses from sean

Running supply voltage of 60/60 - Vs - 120/Neutral
The Sunfire amps are quite efficient by design, so they don't pull much current at idle or even during normal use. The only time that they really pull BIG power is when you're throttling the volume with heavy bass passages. As such, the small core... 
Running supply voltage of 60/60 - Vs - 120/Neutral
Some of the Sunfire subs are notorious for being noisy. You should contact Sunfire about this problem and discuss it directly with them. As to the isolation transformer pictured, it looks WAY too small to pass 2000 KVA with low distortion. Then ag... 
Legacy 20/20 and Tubes
Dbld: My Father was not only a "happy owner" of Legacies, he had been led to believe that what he was listening to was also very accurate and well designed. It wasn't until he was shown otherwise, both in terms of visible design flaws and the soni... 
Legacy 20/20 and Tubes
Chad: You're comparing a 25 year old speaker with normal age based decay in stock form to a new production model that has decades worth of technoligical improvements in raw parts and retails for appr five times the price. Hmmmm...As far as bass at... 
Best Used $1,200 Table Arm Combo?
If you look around and are patient, you can sometimes find killer deals. A few years back, i purchased a Sota Star Sapphire ( vacuum platter ) with an ET II air bearing linear tracking arm with damping, Sota Reflex clamp, an external surge tank, a... 
Running supply voltage of 60/60 - Vs - 120/Neutral
Some gear has polarity sensitive filtering in it and going to a balanced AC system may negate many of the specific design attributes of such a design. Contact the manufacturers of the gear that you are running and discuss it with them before going... 
AEA equipment of the late 70's
I was thinking about this company myself a while back. Like you, i've never seen any of it for sale, nor heard any of it myself. I read some comments about their preamp, which is what reminded me of them. Sean> 
Speltz Anti Cables
Speaker cables with high inductance i.e. wide spacing between the conductors can alter the sonics of a system in many different ways with different perceptions. My experience is that by rolling off treble due to the high inductance, a system suffe... 
DIY speakers vertical array a la "pipedreams" syst
> Sean> 
AR turntable With Ortofon OM 20 super? & phono amp
The cones should be threaded into the TT with the point facing down. An effective CLD that can rest on top of an existing support structure can be built out of the following materials, working from top to bottom.A layer of felta sheet of 24 gauge ... 
Parasound HCA-3500, Am I Crazy?
Nealhood: I agree with your comments although i would add that power cords should still be designed to resist RFI and pass plenty of current in an unrestricted fashion. After all, any exposed wiring / cabling can act as an antenna, so you've got t... 
What melted my tweeter?
Whatever it is, you need to file a claim with your local power company right away. Then take the affected components to a reputable shop / dealer and have them inspected. If the tweeter physically melted / is deformed, it's quite possible to have ... 
AR turntable With Ortofon OM 20 super? & phono amp
With this table, you need to replace the stock footers with some decent cones and then mount the cones on top of a constrained layer device ( CLD ). If building the CLD / shelf from scratch, don't make it so heavy that you defeat the purpose i.e. ... 
Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10
I'm not doubting that the JC-1's are a nice amp, in every respect. It has a very rich lineage in terms of the designer, circuit lay-out, voicing and parts quality used.Having said that, when one hears a well designed low / no global feedback desig... 
Parasound HCA-3500, Am I Crazy?
The difference between the Ayre and Pass on vinyl might simply be a matter of the loading that is being presented to the cartridge via the phono stage. Unless you have identical settings on both preamps for the phono loading, one will sound "diffe...