
Responses from sean

Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help
The Dunlavy's take into account room response and driver radiation characteristics. Given that Dunlavy placed the woofer at the bottom, which is loaded by the floor, and other woofer at the top, which doesn't have any loading, the output of the wo... 
Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help
9rw: I think that John Dunlavy would agree with my suggestions. The reason that he didn't build the speakers in such a manner probably has more to do with cosmetic appeal ( or lack of it ) and inability to properly package and ship such a product ... 
Slew rate and rise time
Herman: Iin the grander scheme of things, the hose analogy was not perfect and your comments pertaining to propogation delay were correct. I think that most people that lacked such understanding would get the basic idea though, or at least i think... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
Yada: Your electrician is probably going to be clueless in this regards. It will be up to you and the amount of research that you do on the subject as to who well your electrical system works. Most electricians only understand voltage & curren... 
Slew rate and rise time
Bigtee: There have been questions here that i've wanted to respond to in this fashion and i've had private requests to try and explain this too. This specific thread caught me at the right time and in the right mood to attempt this type of "articl... 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
Scotty: You guys are killing me with stuff that can be found in the archives. The more times that i have to repeat myself, the less time i have to help in other areas : )The two brands that i've had the best luck with were Xentek and Topaz. That d... 
Speltz Anti Cables
Drubin: Thanks for the kind words. As a side note, i'm one of those people that get killed by the doom and gloom of murky winter weather. Now that the weather is breaking and the sun is beginning to show it's head through the clouds, i'm coming ba... 
"will ship at buyer's risk and expense"
The seller does not have to file the damage claims IF the seller waves his rights to the claim over to the buyer. All this takes is a signed document stating that the seller was transporting the buyer's property to them and that the item belongs t... 
Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help
Your short wall is simply too little space for this speaker. With the wide horizontal dispersion from this type of array, you're experiencing side wall reflections. This alters the in-room response and tonal balance. Once you reduce the side wall ... 
Multi-Outlet with NO Conditioning
Stehno: It's quite probable that Peter has chosen to run an aftermarket device that won't allow multiple dedicated lines without sacrificing what he feels are the benefits of that device. He does mention balanced power with surge suppression and n... 
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC, Is this a ??
Sam Tellig likes lean and smooth sounding gear. MF gear of that period tends to sound lean. Sam likes lean.MF gear of that period tends to sound smooth i.e. lacking in rough or abbrasive qualities without any sense of sibilance or grain, but possi... 
Slew rate and rise time
Herman makes some good points, but i'd like to take his explanation a bit further. Think of an electrical circuit as a hose for electrons. Then think of the music as a fire. Different size hoses can deliver different volumes of signal at different... 
Speltz Anti Cables
Drubin: solid cables are a drawback when they are used in a situation that requires often movement or increased flexibility. If rigid enough, either due to conductor size and / or geometry, they can transfer energy via microphonics between connect... 
Speltz Anti Cables
David: Many think that solid core wire is something new to audio and the net. If you do some research, you'll find that solid core has always had advocates, even when it wasn't popular or thought to be beneficial to work with. Even some people tha... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
A full grown man bouncing up and down on the bed while listening to "kiddie records". Nice mental image there Tvad. Good enough to cause me to laugh out loud : ) Sean>