
Responses from sean

The most detailed speaker cable??
Tvad: How do you keep the noise from the low grade idler drive motor from interferring with your musical enjoyment? Are you coupling, isolating or doing both to the chassis of this "classic" piece of audiophilia??? : ) Sean> 
The most detailed speaker cable??
12 gauge zip versus 16 gauge zip at 6 foot lengths. Same nominal impedances with less than .1 Ohm difference in series resistance on the round trip. According to even your own reference materials, these cables at these lengths are electrically equ... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
Dear Yada : )If you've got an open outlet with enough room to plug in a "wall wart" sized device, simply pick up an Audioprism Quiet Line and do that. If you have an open outlet but don't have the space for the "wall wart" sized device, try using ... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Rsbeck: As i've mentioned in other threads, i was able to discern the audible differences between two different gauges of zip cord in a blind test. I did this using very low quality gear, music that i had never heard before and a listening area th... 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Off-axis lobing causes non-linear frequency response i.e. added peaks and dips at various points along the curve. The more consistent the dispersion characteristics of the drivers as angle of radiation is altered, the less noticeable the lobing wi... 
Subwoofer Amp Recommendations
As originally posted by Danner is a good yet basic explanation of damping factor. Crown fails to mention one important factor. It is impossible to achieve the damping factor figures that t... 
So my wife says to me this morning
I like reading threads like this as it teaches me something. Ron's comments about lateral stability coming into play with the Denon 103 are quite interesting to me. You see, all of my arms are linear trackers, so their level of lateral stability i... 
Experience with power conditioners
Short of a full tilt power regenerator, which is going to be pretty darn expensive for a very limited amount of current with a lot of heat generated, a heavy core high current low capacitance Iso will get you the most bang for the buck. I think th... 
Poor Man's "Super-Speaker" System
If you like to rock or simply enjoy a very dynamic, low distortion presentation, increased headroom in both the speaker system and amplifiers is ALWAYS beneficial. From what i can recall, i've been preaching this idea for several years now. Glad y... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
Kana813: Parallel line filters, when properly designed, can offer a pretty amazing amount of noise suppression / absorption. As such, i'm not discounting that they can provide a measurable amount of crosstalk rejection. Having said that, i'm just ... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Trelja: I think we share common vantage points and similar experiences. As such, i can understand why you agree with my last post to a large degree. Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge what i shared and the fact that you are of like mind. Ma... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Gregm: You're playing Rsbeck's game and will never win. You will only allow him to keep repeating the same techno-muck that he has been convinced is correct. In doing so, it only strengthens his beliefs and will make it harder to get through to hi... 
The most detailed speaker cable??
Rsbeck: I provided a link to a well referenced and more thorough test than anything that you've provided. These tests were conducted by Nelson Pass, an industry legend who doesn't nor has he ever marketed cables. They were independently confirmed ... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Gregm: No need for someone such as Rsbeck to go through all of that. I've offered multitudes of times to let him borrow some cables with me covering transportation charges round trip. Sean> 
First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Drubin: One set of my F's are "smoked" and awaiting a "full tilt" driver rebuild as per Bill at Millersound's suggestions. The other set is packed up. I am currently down to using what was primarily my HT system for both music and movies now. Afte...