
Responses from sdcampbell

Quality music labels
Based on my own experience over the years, I'd say the following labels can be generally relied on to have releases that have high quality audio: Dorian; Reference Recordings; Telarc; Erato; Harmonia Mundi; Opus 3; Proprius; BIS; Water Lily; Astre... 
The big Denon or the new pre Bryston processor ?
Hi, Alex: This is going to be a marginally useful response, since I have not auditioned the Denon unit. I do, however, own the Bryston SP-1, and have commented a number of times in this forum that I think it's not only an exceptional performer, bu... 
Tube Question
Certainly sounds like you have a problem with the tube in that channel. Since the line stage only uses 1 tube per channel, try reversing the tubes and see if the problem then occurs in the right channel. If so, you've identified the source of the ... 
What is the opposite of near field listening?
Listening from the adjoining room -- like my wife usually does (and then complains the volume is too high). 
Do you drink when you listen?
Hey, Clueless -- just use my name as a reference if you still want to join the Society. Hell, we admit anybody as long as they have the money (grin). 4 readers have contacted me to get the info on how to join the Society, so I decided to post it h... 
Bryston B60 - Is it worth it?
Vlad: The Bryston B-60 has gotten many very positive reviews as one of the best integrated amps in high-end audio. All of the audio reviews done on the Bryston B-60 are available on the Bryston web site. I'm not familiar with HiFi Choice, so I sug... 
Vandersteen 2 sub, what filters do you use?
Hi, Maxgain. I can't tell from your post if you are using the stock X-2 crossover for the Vandy sub, or the custom Model 5 X-overs made for use with the 2Wq (each channel is housed in a separate box). For the clarification of those not familiar wi... 
Why Don't We Hear About Polyfusion More?
The Polyfusion 960 power amp? Never heard of it. Maybe that explains why the audio press hasn't given it much attention . 
Correct turn on, turn off sequence????
Hi, Jedi. I suspect that you are going to get a turn-on / turn-off thump (or pop) with the Adcoms even if you use the correct sequence. I owned the same Adcom preamp and amp you have, and also sold Adcom equipment during the early 1990's, and I al... 
Vandersteen 2ce upgrade?
As a former owner of the 2Ce, I moved up to the Vandy 3A, and then had them upgraded to the 3A Signature. The 3A is a major improvement over the 2Ce, and the eventual upgrade to the 3A Signature is worth every cent. (Richard Vandersteen says the 3... 
Do you drink when you listen?
In moderation, I like a really good single malt Scotch, particularly when I'm settling in for a long evening of listening (evenings when my wife is out erranding or doing something with one of her friends). I belong to the Scotch Malt Whiskey Soci... 
recommend a pre-pro that's good for music?
I'll keep this short, since I've made a number of posts recently on this topic: check out the Bryston SP-1, if that's within your budget. For more info, see my posts over the past 6-8 weeks. 
FM antennae recommendations please?
In response to Sean's suggestion about the BIC Beam-Box: no offense to Sean, but I bought a BIC Beam-Box many years ago, and they aren't much of an improvement over a wire dipole antenna. In the late 1980's, one of the audio mags did a fairly thor... 
Suggestions of Excellent Hawaiian music?
Does the category "Hawaiian music" include the recordings of Don Ho? I remember sitting with my girl friend in a club in Waikiki in the early 1960's listening to Don Ho sing "Tiny Bubbles"... brings back memories. Ah yes, "tiny bubbles, in the win... 
What to put under speakers on a ceramic tile shelf
A follow-up to Maxgain's suggestion: if you decide to use Vibrapods, be sure to put something between the Vibrapod and the ceramic tile. Over time, Vibrapods will stain many kinds of materials they contact. Something like a small, thin plastic dis...