
Responses from sdcampbell

What non-Linn sub would work with all-Linn setup?
Hi: About 6 weeks ago, I posted a thread here which summarized the ratings of the top dozen subwoofers that were reviewed by Widescreen Review magazine over a 3-year period (50 subs were rated). Look for the thread in the archives using the phrase... 
Cable, hi-fi neophyte lost in Space
I am also strongly value-oriented when it comes to audio gear, so I'm not sure that I'd recommend adding new power cords at this stage in your system. However, if you want to look at this anyway, then check out HCM Audio ( They h... 
Does component video switching hurt picture?
It's hard to know if video switching will hurt the picture quality, since this may be rather specific to the equipment and the cables you are using. However, you'd probably be on fairly safe ground saying that it doesn't improve the picture qualit... 
Planning audio audition trip to NY/NJ, vendors???
I live on the opposite coast, but from personal experience I can make the following strong recommendation. Go to Audio Connection (Verona, NJ), and see John Rutan. A fine retailer, and a first-class guy. 
what is the best speaker cable?
Aside from the obvious comment that there is no single "best" speaker cable, it would be helpful to have some additional information:1. what is your budget?2. how long will the cables be?You obviously have good speakers, so you want something bett... 
Audible diffferences between Vandy 2w & 2wq
Good question, Swampwalker. I have owned the Vandy 2Ci, 2Ce, 3A, and now the 3A Signature (and, as noted above, added a pair of 2Wq's recently). I think the 3A Signature is a MUCH better speaker than the Vandy "2" series speakers -- infact, I thin... 
Classe CAM350 monoblocks vs. Krell FPB 600
Well, I haven't heard the Classe's, but have heard the Krell 600 and it is an extraordinary power amp which has received superb critical reviews. Given the two amps you are considering, you do not appear to have a tight budget, but I'd suggest you... 
Small balanced monoblocks
You should add the Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks to your short list. They are of reasonable size, offer a combination of excellent power and sound quality (rated "Class A" by Stereophile mag), and have a 20-year transferrable warranty backed by probabl... 
subwoofer suggestions
For use in a music system, there is almost no subwoofer that is a better value, or that offers more musical sound, than the Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. I have two of these, and they integrate so seamlessly with the rest of my system it's impossible... 
Possibly moving to ITALY Will my U.S. gear work?
Hi: I lived in Europe (Germany) for about 5 years, and your American gear can usually be converted to operate on 220 volt power without much problem. (You may find that some of your equipment already has 120/240 jumpers built into the equipment, s... 
Audible diffferences between Vandy 2w & 2wq
Hi, Swampwalker: I went through the same debate about 2 months ago when I bought a pair of 2Wq's ($800 each for subs that are both less than 2 years old). Before buying, I listened to both the 2W and 2Wq, and while the 2Wq sounded somewhat better ... 
It doesn't SOUND like a problem, but I wonder.....
Hi, Musicdoc: As a generic response, it's always better to use a short jumper rather than a long one. You could make a jumper using a 6" section of your current cable. Simply crimp/solder a single banana plug (such as the ones made by Monster Cabl... 
How to couple my monitors to stands???
Blu-Tak is one solution, but for about one-tenth the price you can buy essentially the same stuff at Office Depot or Office Max. The product to look for is Elmer's "Tac 'n' Stik" reusable adhesive. I've used it for years (currently using it under ... 
Need Advice on Surround Speakers for my System...
I have tried several rear surround speakers to go with my Vandersteen 3A Signature main speakers and Vandy VCC-1 Signature center channel. The speakers I've used include the Vandersteen VSM-1's (wall mount); Coincident Triumph Signatures (on stand... 
Component Video Cables
I've been very pleased with the performance of the Silver Serpent component video set (three cables in a bundle) that I got from I'm using the cable between my Pioneer Elite DV-37 and a Sony WEGA XBR monitor. The set is $99 inclu...