
Responses from sdcampbell

Best record cleaner?
I agree with Abstract7's comments. No doubt that the VPI 17 is by far the easiest to use, but it is also much more expensive than the lower-cost NittyGritty machines. If you either own or have to clean a large number of LP's, you will certainly ap... 
Vandersteen 1B vs. 1C
As I recall, the main difference between these two models of the "1" series was in the crossover -- but there may also have been a slight upgrade in the main driver as well. If you want to know more, call Vandersteen Audio at:(559) 582-0324.Althou... 
Any good gear made in Taiwan?
For many years, Adcom's products were assembled in Taiwan, until Adcom moved its production facilities to mainland China a few years ago. I think Rotel products are also manufactured in Taiwan (or possibly Singapore). 
Laugh but give me a clue
Hi, Audiobeer: You don't indicate the brand of the receiver, unless you meant that it is part of a Cambridge Audio system. I doubt you will get much interest in this system from people using Audiogon -- you will probably have more luck selling it ... 
How important is precise VTA adjustment?
As already noted, there are two (maybe three) VTA devices that are available for the Rega RB300 and RB600 tonearms. I have seen them mentioned by VPI, Rega (Lauerman Audio Imports, in Knoxville, TN), Express Machining, and also the AudioAdvisor. T... 
Solid State amp with wide soundstage
Although mentioned above by brand name, I'll be specific: add the Bryston 3B-ST to your list. A fine amp that can bought used for $1000-1200, provided that roughly 140-150 wpc (actual output, not rated output) is sufficient for your needs. 
Your "Budget Cable" recommendations, please......
HomeGrownAudio Super Silver interconnects offer a lot of value: all-silver wire with excellent RCA jacks, and a very reasonable price if you buy the kits ($60 for 1-meter with RCA's) and do your own soldering. For more info, go to:www.homegrownaud... 
I have a 2 channel set up. What is the best way
To work as I've suggested, your integrated amp would need both "pre-amp out" and "pre-amp in" jacks on the back panel. The signal from the "pre-amp out" on your integrated amp would have to be routed through the Technics surround processor, and th... 
I have a 2 channel set up. What is the best way
The approach you are considering will work, but the hook-up process may be a little complex. Another approach, which many people with 2-channel systems have used to get into HT, is to buy an outboard surround processor and a 3-channel power amp (f... 
Surround speakers ear level
I'm one of the group of listeners who think that surround speakers are best mounted closer to the ceiling, rather than at ear height. By mounting the speaker closer to the ceiling (assuming we are not talking about large, floor-standing speakers),... 
Sequerra monitor
You are referring to the Pyramid MET 7.7, which is a terrific small monitor. I have owned two of the earlier incarnations of this speaker, and thought they were among the best small monitors I have ever heard. When the MET 7's first appeared, Rich... 
Looking for 5.1 processor and 5 channel amp
You should also add the Bryston SP-1 pre/pro and the Bryston 9B-ST to your "short list". Both are superb units that also represent high value. I have the SP-1 and can highly recommend it, and the 9B-ST has gotten outstanding reviews. For more info... 
Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500
In this price range, no list is complete without the Vandersteen 2Ce or 2Ce Signature. This model continues to set the standard for high-value and performance among speakers that retail for around $1500. 
Adcom - A Good Value?? Auctions risky??
As I've commented before in these pages, the audiophile community tends to disparage some of the entry level, yet high-value products, available from various manufacturers. Adcom belongs to this "Rodney Dangerfield" group -- it tends not to get mu... 
Home Theatre Software: Insulting?
The sad reality is that, for a substantial portion of the American public, crap is now the acceptable norm. One of my favorite entertainers was Steve Allen, a true Renaissance guy, who some years ago wrote a book about the "dumbing down" of Americ...