
Responses from sdcampbell

Is there any such thing as a high end receiver?
I notice on today's "for sale" items that several of the integrated amps I suggested are available: the Creek 5350SE, the Bryston B-60, the Rega Mira, and the Arcam. Looks like good timing for you... 
Jazz Renaissance
To the younger jazz listeners: I still have a couple of CD copies I made of "What is Jazz", a program by Leonard Bernstein that was recorded around 1956-57 for the Omnibus TV series. If anyone is interested in a copy of the recording (dubbed onto ... 
Musical Speakers that can provide dynamics for HT
I use a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures (supplemented with a pair of 2Wq subs), and they do an excellent job with both music and HT. Several months ago, Widescreen Review did a long article on a Vandersteen 3A Signature system for HT, and gave i... 
Why does my Paradigm Servo-15 sub Hum?
Hi, Dave:In response to your specific question, "why does my Paradigm Servo-15 sub hum", there are two possibilities:1. because it is happy;2. because it doesn't know the words to the song.That's probably not the answer you want, however, so my th... 
Is there any such thing as a high end receiver?
If you are willing to buy an integrated amp rather than a receiver (you'd only be missing the tuner), then you could probably get a good used unit for around $1,000. Among the integrateds you should consider are:1. the Creek 5350SE (MSRP $1500);2.... 
please help a rookie
In the $1.5k price bracket for a used amp, you should definitely put the Bryston 4B-ST (used) on your list. It provides close to 300 wpc of very clean power, and is included on Stereophile mag's "Class B" recommended components list. If you can us... 
What's the best 5 channel for less then 1K?
For $1100, you should take a look at the Outlaw 5.1 channel amp. Outlaw sells direct to buyer via Internet, and their power amp and receiver have both gotten very good reviews by several audio mags. Check their Web site for more info:www.outlawaud... 
Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada
Who the hell do the Canadians think they are, robbing our boys of their God-given right to win the gold medal in hockey? If you Canucks aren't careful, we're going to think we're victims of hockey terrorism and Bush will be left with no choice but... 
What's the deal with Adcom GTP 760 going so cheap?
I have a fair amount of first-hand experience with the Adcom GTP 760, and it's a pretty good pre/pro for the price (FWIW, Anthony Cordesman gave it a good review last year in "The Perfect Vision" mag). The 760 does not have either 6.1 or 7.1 surro... 
Thorens 125 MkII: MM or MC cartridge? What's diff?
Hi, Steve:Glad to help. We were all virgins once (some of us a very long time ago, and we may have forgotten how it felt...).If I were re-writing my post a bit, I would have made the point to say that in an audio system that has an analog front en... 
Amp for Vandersteen 3Asig.
I am using a Bryston 4B-ST with my Vandy 3A Sig's and pair of 2Wq subs, and I'm one mighty happy, yet frugal, camper. The Vandy's respond very well to an amp that provides tight bass and relatively high current. If you have a very large room, or l... 
Thorens 125 MkII: MM or MC cartridge? What's diff?
The Shure V15VMR is a moving magnet design -- one of the best, moderately priced MM's available (although superceded by the V15VxMR). Your cartridge has an output of 4-5 millivolts.Here's a simplified explanation of the difference between moving m... 
Average age of audiophiles
I'm apparently one of the resident "geezers" at age 59. I became seriously interested in the audio hobby in 1962. I'm not sure that this thread will really provide an accurate picture of the average age of audiophiles, since many of the old-timers... 
Anybody willing to admit?
Your question reminds me of the old definition of an audiophile that went around years ago: a guy who owned $25,000 (or insert your own higher amount) of audio gear and 20 copies of the "1812 Overture". 
Preamp dilemma...
From your post, I presume that you want to buy another tube preamp. If so, then you need to add the appropriate model of Conrad-Johnson preamp to your list.If you are willing to consider some other preamps that are a bit less well known, you shoul...