
Responses from sdcampbell

what is the best sub amp.
Before you make a final decision on which power amp to buy, may I suggest you add a Bryston 7B-ST, or a 4B-ST run in the bridged mode, to your short list? Bryston amps have long been noted as "bass control masters", and both the 7B-ST and 4B-ST (b... 
Bryston vs Marsh
I can't speak to whether you will hear a difference between the Adcom GFA-555 and the Marsh 200, since I have not heard the Marsh 200. My guess is you will hear an improvement, since the Marsh 400 has gotten very positive critical reviews, and the... 
New Bryston or Used Lexicon?
Just to set the record straight, I believe Tomcat is correct about the Bryston/Lexicon relationship. The information I was given was apparently incorrect. 
I'm new & need help? What receiver to buy?
Depending on your budget, you may want to consider the B&K AV307, which was awarded a "Platinum Award" as an "Editor's Choice for 2001" by Sterephile Guide to Home Theater. MSRP on this receiver is about $3200 as I recall, but it's a fine unit. 
Best inexpensive integrated for PSB Gold speakers.
Both Bomarc and Trelja offer good advice. To expand on Bomarc's comments, bear in mind that doubling the amplifier power only results in a 3db increase in SPL, which is not a major increase in volume. If 80 wpc isn't enough for your PSB Golds, you... 
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable
When using bare wire ends, I "tin" the ends using a lead-free, silver solder (this solder is available from Audio Advisor, as well as electronics supply outlets and Radio Shack). 
35 and 40 ft runs-Balanced will be expensive
Why don't you contact both HomeGrownAudio and and see what sort of price they offer for the runs you need? 
Do I need a Surround Sound Preamp or Processor
Hi, Calvin: You can use your current preamp as part of a home theater system, but you are correct that you will need an outboard surround processor. There are not many of these available today, due to the prevalence of multi-channel preamp/process... 
New Bryston or Used Lexicon?
As you may be aware, Bryston builds the Lexicon pre/pro, so in a sense, it's all in the family. I own the SP-1, and give it a solid recommendation. The primary issue for you to consider is whether you are primarily interested in audio or HT. If yo... 
Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?
Krelldog: your points are well taken, but let me elaborate on my previous comments. First, I think serious jazz buffs lack an enjoyment of "smooth jazz", rather than disrespecting the music as such. I do think that most long-term "serious" jazz li... 
Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic
Yeah, back in the late 1980's, I migrated from a pair of Acoustat Model 2's to my first pair of Vandersteens -- the Model 2Ci. The switch had some pluses and minuses, but I simply couldn't live with the incredibly small "sweet spot" of the Acousta... 
Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?
I don't think I was one of the guys in a white mask replete with flaming cross that Tim referred to, but I'll venture an opinion anyway: most serious jazz buffs don't consider smooth jazz to be jazz. It may share a few elements of music structure ... 
Can you receive hdtv signals on dig. cable?
Though this comment is not specific to your post, I thought I'd chime in with a response to Swampwalker's remark about digital cable. I subscribe to AT&T digital cable in the Seattle, WA, area, and my experience is the same as Swampwalker's: d... 
Speakers below 800
If you are willing to buy used speakers listed here on Audiogon, you should be able to get a pretty decent pair of speakers for $800. You didn't say whether you want monitors or floor-standers, or what other equipment you currently own, and that a... 
need 5 speaker setup; have 1200
Without commenting on the points already made, I'd suggest your friend consider the PSB Alpha line. Another option is to contact Audio Advisor (Web:; phone: 1-800-942-0220) which sells several very good, inexpensive speakers, ...