
Responses from sdcampbell

Best Concert DVD
I would have listed the same DVD's that Jim Robinson has on his list, but if you are willing to step outside the "live concert" format and just consider an outstanding music DVD, then you must rent or buy "Calle 54". This film is a tribute to some... 
5.1 or 7.1 for 14' x 17' room ?
You might be interested in the comments on the Bryston newsletter (the issue just before the current one), where James Tanner interviewed the leading recording engineer in Hollywood (who has done the sound for more than 50 of the most successful m... 
Tube pre to use with Bryston 4BST
I have a Bryston 4B-ST which I use with a Bryston SP-1 (which essentially uses the BP-25 circuitry). I found that the Bryston gear is sufficiently revealing that the interconnects are very important. I recently replaced the IC's I was using with A... 
Best "Village Vanguard" or "Blue Note" recording
As you note, there have been a lot of great recordings of jazz performances at the Village Vanguard. The Vanguard is almost a one-of-a-kind club -- small, intimate, and the walls seem permeated by the spirits of all the great performers who have a... 
Dunlavy vs JM Lab
Calanctus: To answer your question without too much technical detail:1. A speaker that is time-accurate means that the drivers are arranged in a spatial relationship to the listener so the sound they produce arrives at the listener's ear at the sa... 
Dunlavy vs JM Lab
Based on my own listening experiences, Sean's comments are accurate. I would add a couple of points: the Dunlavy's are both time- and phase-accurate, which the JM Labs are not, which may partially account for their different "sound" which Sean des... 
40 watt tube integrated enough for vandy 2's?
Hi, Rose:I'd like to pursue your question a bit further, and ask you why you specifically want to use a tube amp with the Vandy 2Ce's? Do you already own a tube amp (the Jolida) that you prefer to use, or did you hear the Vandy 2Ce with a tube amp... 
Expressimo Audio Heavyweight counterweight.
I wrote similar comments about 18 months ago after buying the Heavyweight counterweight for my Rega RB900. At the time, I said that I was astounded that a $79 upgrade could make such a significant improvement, and I have had no reason to change my... 
Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse
I'm really pleased with the level of discussion on this thread -- it's the first one that has really grabbed me in some time. My personal opinion is that the discussion on the forum has become really superficial over the past year, and this thread... 
Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse
Excellent comments, Joe. You hit all the important points, and I agree everything. For the benefit of other readers, it might be useful to know that Joe owns a pair of Coincident Technology Total Eclipse speakers (do I have the correct model, Joe?... 
Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse
Mike:I can only answer this question from a very personal perspective -- what I would do if making the same choice myself. For me, there'd be no debate: I'd buy the Vandersteen Model 5. I have listened extensively to the Model 5, and I regard it a... 
Best CCR album?
As you may be aware, Analogue Productions has recently released 5 of CCR's LP's in re-mastered versions, and pressed at RTI's new LP facility. I bought 3 of these LP's, and must say that the vinyl quality is excellent on all of them -- very quiet,... 
Top This
I am going to have the music "Entry of the Gods into Valhalla" from Wagner's opera "The Valkyries"...and when my remains are cremated, the funeral pyre music from "Twilight of the Gods". 
If it's too good to be true....
Matty: Sounds like the time to invoke one of my cardinal rules when buying used audio gear: get the seller's phone number and call him/her. You can get more questions answered, faster, by telephone than playing around with E-mail exchanges, with t... 
Biwiring: can you really hear the difference?
With most speakers, bi-wiring will lead to an improvement in sound quality (assuming they are set up for true bi-wiring) -- sometimes a substantial improvement. Richard Vandersteen has discussed in several audio mag interviews (and, I think, on th...