
Responses from sdcampbell

Which speakers work well with 2A3 Sun Audio or ?
You might also consider Avantgarde Unos or Duos (if you have the money), and also Coincident Technology's various models which were designed by Israel Blume to work well with low-powered tube amps. 
which cartridge to buy? so many...
The Shure V15VxMR -- the "Rodney Dangerfield" of high-end phono cartridges -- is an excellent cartridge and can be purchased new for about $275 from Garage-a-Records and Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor. I have owned many cartridges, and the V15VxMR h... 
Subwoofer recommendations for this system?
Given the equipment you own, I'd surmise that reproducing the essence of the recorded music is a high priority for you. Hence, think about subwoofers that are noted for their musicality as well as their ability to cleanly reproduce the lower frequ... 
Rhythm and harmony in music
I suspect that long before humans began making music with the elements of harmony and melody, we played rhythm on whatever was available: rocks, hollowed-out pieces of tree trunk, etc. So I agree with Detlof's comment that rhythm is the elemental ... 
big sound at a down to earth price?
The Vandersteen 3A's should be on your audition list. You can get them for around $1500-1800 on the used market, and they project a large, very coherent sound stage. 
Can you help a computer "idiot" ?
Hi, Sean:I'm not exactly a computer savant, but of the various search engines I've used (including Copernic Pro 2000, which is installed on my computer), I find that Google does a fine job. It's fast, very accurate, etc.You can access Google at ww... 
Orchestral brass and fanfare - analysis of system
I generally agree with the comments above, but let's take the answer a step further. If the problem proves NOT to be the recording, then I'd say the speaker is the culprit. I doubt very much that either the preamp or the power amp is the cause of ... 
Dvorak 9th Symphony
RWD: Yes, Dvorak's 9th is commonly known as the "New World Symphony", because it was written after Dvorak resided in the U.S. for a period of time. The melodies in the symphony are said to have been inspired by American folk musics. 
sub 500 turn table
You should be able to find a used VPI HW-19 Junior with tonearm (such as an Audioquest) for around $500. The "Jr." is a good table, and has the advantage of offering an upgrade path all the way to the HW-19 Mk4. 
CES in Las Vegas worth the trip?
Dennis:The CES can be interesting and lots of fun for an audiophile, but don't go with the expectation that you will hear great sound. Many of the audio systems -- even the better ones -- are stuck in hotel rooms that are far from optimal for good... 
need opinions on getting out of HT into 2 channel
You don't indicate if you have a budget, or if you want to undertake the conversion to 2-channel in stages. More information about your plans would help forum members to provide you with appropriate suggestions.By way of introducion, I should tell... 
Advice on building a dedicated listening room.
All good comments above. The one point I'd add is to think about building the room with ASC "Wall-Damp IsoWall" panels, or something comparable. See the following link to ASC's web site for more info about "Wall-Damp IsoWall":http://www.asc-hifi.c... 
Here, there a Chick, Where else a Chick Corea ?
I have enjoyed Chick Corea's work for a long time, and have seen him in concert on 3 occasions. One of the most enjoyable concerts was with vibist Gary Burton, with whom Corea has had a long association. One of their early duet albums, "Crystal Si... 
Best speaker 3k to 4k used?
For $2500-2700, you can get a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures, which compete very well against speakers costing twice their MSRP ($3500). Before you make a purchase, you would be well served to audition the 3A Sig's. 
Tracking Force - Where to set it?
I second Jim's suggestion -- check the VTF with a gauge. Even an inexpensive gauge such as Shure's SFG-2 is far more accurate than the dial on your tonearm. I have owned many Shure V15 models over the past 30 years, and have always found them to o...