
Responses from sdcampbell

How to keep housemates from using your rig?
Hi, Angela: yeah, Rocco changed his name because "Lucca Brazzi" was too recognizable (wink wink, nudge nudge indeed....). Rocco likes to think of himself as a "medical consultant" that specializes in "destructive orthopedics".... 
Lester Young
Lester's recorded work falls into two fairly distinct periods: when he was a member of Count Basie's band, and when he was the leader of the Lester Young - Teddy Wilson quartet in the 1930's and into the 1940's; and the post-World War II period wh... 
How to keep housemates from using your rig?
Here's a thought: have someone build a heavy steel mesh enclosure for your gear (except the speakers), and have it electrified with a high voltage current from an dedicated power source which only you can turn off...If that idea seems impractical,... 
Bryston 7BST or bridged 4BSTs
Hi, 914nut (from 911nut):I'm sure you'll get good info from the A-gon regulars who own Bryston amps, but you might also direct your question(s) to James Tanner at Bryston. Go to the Bryston home page using the following link, and at the bottom you... 
turntable recommendation
Marakanetz is on the money with his suggestions. In addition to the VPI Scout ($1500, which includes the new JMW 9 tonearm), and the Music Hall MMF5, you should also look at the Music Hall MMF7 ($1k, with tonearm), or the less expensive Rega turnt... 
Help with speaker cable for 1st tube set up ....
You don't indicate how long the cables need to be, or whether it will be a single or bi-wire setup, so I am going to assume for the discussion that 10-foot runs will suffice, and that you do NOT need bi-wiring.On that basis, and given that this is... 
best sub for 150 hz and below
At the risk of sounding pedantic, a point of clarification needs to be made before anyone can really accurately respond to your question. Consider: a true subwoofer (i.e., a speaker that handles the range below the woofer) is intended to handle th... 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Ah, another thread of wishful thinking about the viability of SACD (and DVD-A). With due respect to CB, even a release of an old Rolling Stones recording will not make SACD a success. The reality is that, barring a major change in the market, ther... 
the best use Subwoofer for under 1500
There has been a great deal of discussion about subwoofers on this forum over the past 6-8 months. I suggest you search the Audiogon archives for the articles on subwoofer ratings by various audio mags, comments of users, etc. 
thorens turntable cover material
I used to own a Thorens, and cleaned/polished the dustcover with a acrylic plastic polish made for the purpose. If there are scratches that need to be buffed out, you can use a very fine grade of jeweler's rouge. 
Anyone recommend the best small speakers for cheap
You didn't mention a price range, so I'll throw out a couple of monitor size speakers that I think are very good, and have also gotten good critical reviews. 1. Sequerra Pyramid MET-7: an exceptionally fine speaker, designed by high-end audio lege... 
How to clean and play analog reel to reel tapes
Erider:If your tapes have already deteriorated to the point they are flaking, and the residue is clogging the heads on your tape deck, you may have larger problem than just cleaning them so you can archive them. Given their irreplaceable nature, I... 
What is your "evaluation cd"?
When I am interested solely in evaluating an audio component, or doing an A-B comparison, I frequently use the Burmester CD#2. Otherwise, I have a group of jazz and symphonic LP recordings that I have listened to for years and know all of their nu... 
What should I upgrade next?
You are going to get a number of different opinions in response to your question, but in a situation like yours I usually advise people to upgrade their speakers first. Some people will advise starting at the "front end" with a new preamp or bette... 
Silver Speaker Wire Recommendations?
The Alpha-Core MI2 silver cable (called the "Divinity", I think) is an excellent product, and may be within your price bracket (depending on cable length). For more info, look at Alpha-Core's Web site:www.alphacore.comYou might also want to consid...