
Responses from sdcampbell

Power requirements for Vandersteen 3A Sig + 2Wq
From my own experience, I found that the 3A Sig's, when combined with a single 2Wq sub in a small to medium-sized room, can be driven with as little as 50 wpc, PROVIDED you don't listen at high SPL's. That said, I have found that my 3A Sig's work ... 
Who has Vanderstein 5 speakers?
One of the former "regulars" on this forum, Garfish, has a pair of Vandy 5's that he has written about. You can research his comments in the archives, and I think his system is described in "Virtual Systems". 
Output filter Caps
Back in the mid-1980's, I had a Hafler DH-220 amp which I wanted to modify myself. I went to a local computer parts supply dealer, and got a pair of high quality computer-grade power supply capacitors that were twice the capacity of the stock filt... 
What's wrong with Thiel?
The response from Symphony Sound is "on the mark". The biggest issue with Thiel speakers is finding a compatible amplifier, due to the impedance curve of the speakers. You should also try to audition the Thiel's and compare them with several other... 
What amp is best?
Since you are apparently going to need 7 channels of amplification, you need to answer a few questions before anyone on the forum can provide you with useful commentary:1. What is your budget?2. Will you consider two amps (a 3-channel and a 4-chan... 
What does Current mean in a power amp???
All of the explanations above are technically accurate, but here's a very simple way for those not versed in science or engineering to think of current vs. voltage. Imagine a river. The amount of water that is moving downstream is analogous to the... 
Retail pricing in classified ads
When the MSRP of an item has increased over time, I think the only fair way to represent the price is to quote the MSRP at the time the item was originally manufactured -- not what it may be selling for now (maybe years later). The referenced MSRP... 
Vandersteen question.
Hi, Elmuncy: I'll try to answer some of your questions, but to get some comprehensive information about the various models in the Vandersteen line, I suggest you go to their web site and do some reading. The web address for Vandersteen is: http://... 
Members without scruples- a continuation
Greatpooba: Good suggestions, and ones that Audiogon should consider. 
Members without scruples- a continuation
Comment to Natalie: I have no personal or business connection with Audiogon, but I think your characterization of the Audiogon staff as "boneheads" is unfair and unwarranted. I also disagree with your comment that the feedback feature is "one of t... 
Help Interconnect Cable
Try the Alpha-Core Goertz TQ2. An excellent interconnect at a rational price. 
Opinion of budget phono preamps?
At one time, I owned the Adcom GFP-565, and found it to have a very satisfactory phono preamp. Infact, the review article published in either Stereophile or TAS stated that the phono section was as good as a number of much more expensive preamps. ... 
Avanti III or Joseph audio Pearl ?
To provide any kind of helpful answer, you need to supply some more information, such as:1. How the speakers will be used (mainly audio, mainly HT, or combination of both);2. Kind of preamp and power amp you intend to use;3. Details about your roo... 
Audio as a hobby
I enjoy hunting, fishing, walking, and scuba diving, and am an avid Univ of Washington Husky football fan. Infact, I'm flying from Seattle to Ann Arbor tomorrow to see the opening game of the season against Michigan -- GO DAWGS!! 
Vandy sub owners-crossovers for 2WQ
I agree that the guidance on choosing the impedance/crossover point is confusing. I did some extensive experimentation with my own Vandy crossovers, and also helped a friend set up his 2Wq subwoofer, and the results yielded more variation than I e...