
Responses from sdcampbell

Album which you have listened to most?
Walter Salas beat me to the punch by listing Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" -- without question my favorite jazz album of all time. The "select" list of my favorite jazz albums include:1. Miles Davis & Cannonball Adderley: "Something Else:2. Char... 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...RIP
As you observe, we can be grateful for Mozart's genius without dimishing in any way the accomplishments of the other great composers. There is hardly a week goes by that I do not listen to some composition by Mozart, but as I've gotten older I fou... 
Julian Hirsch dies
Back in the 1970's, before the high-end audio publications became established, I read Stereo Review and Julian Hirsch's articles religiously. As others here have already said, Hirsch was the very model of integrity. I absolutely agree with Zaikesm... 
What's the oldest piece of gear in your system?
My VPI-HW19 Mk4 turntable, which was originally purchased as a Mk2 version in the late 1980's. 
Cables - Where to begin?
There are a lot of threads in the A-gon archives about power cords and interconnects, so I won't try to recap them. A good starting place to shop for these items is HCM Audio, which offers close-outs on many of the best known brands. Here is the l... 
Phono preamp Q re: Technics SL-1900 turntable
Given the rather modest nature of your friend's system, it doesn't make much sense to spend a lot of money on a phono preamp. However, there are several inexpensive yet decent quality phono preamps, including the Parasound PPH-100 ($120), and the ... 
Anybody Heard the Vandersteen 5A'S
I have recently auditioned the 5A's at my local dealer, and they are fabulous! Although Shane Buettner (reviewer who wrote the 5A review for TAS) is a big Vandersteen fan, I have to agree with almost all of his comments. The 5A is fast (only a hai... 
Best Speaker Cable 20 Foot Pair
To conclude the comments about the Alpha-Core speaker cables and interconnects: Alpha-Core sells their products via Internet with a 30-day, money back audition. If you don't like the cables, return them for a full refund. How many manufacturers do... 
Dealing with an unstable, vibrating wood floor...
My suggestion is going to sound a little bizarre, but many years ago, when I was an undergrad student, I lived in a place similar to the one you describe. There weren't any good, cost-effective solutions to the wobbly floor, so I devised an equipm... 
Best Speaker Cable 20 Foot Pair
Kjl: what I had in mind about re-arranging your system was to move the monoblock amps close to each speaker, and then use long interconnects from the preamp to each monoblock. Many owners of monoblock amps place them close to the speakers because ... 
Best Speaker Cable 20 Foot Pair
The other bit of information that would be helpful before responding to your question regards your budget for each of the items you propose to buy. For example, the "best" speaker cable may be the Nirvanas, but they are stratospherically expensive... 
Bryston SP1.7 Bypass or Digital In ????
I have been using the Bryston SP-1 for several years as my sole pre/pro. I use the SP-1 as the DAC for all of the digital sources in my system (both 2-channel and surround processing), as well as the analog preamp for my vinyl playback system (see... 
Is the Adcom GCD-575 any good??
I owned the GCD-575 for about 6 years. When the unit was first released, it was quite good, offering very good build quality and good audio quality. I was very content with my 575, and replaced it primarily because the laser burned out and the rep... 
Interconnects and Home Theater?
Unless you have very high quality rear/side surround speakers, it's unlikely that high-end interconnects for those channels is going to make any discernable difference in sound quality. Put your best interconnects on the front channels - L, C, and... 
Balanced or RCA?
I agree with Phil that for a 1.5 meter length, either the RCA or balanced cable should be fine. The primary advantage to balanced cables is noise reduction when you have a long run (such as in recording studios). I have used both balanced and RCA ...