
Responses from sdcampbell

Klyne vs Krell pre-amps, which is sounds better?
I've included the Web link to HiFi+ magazine (in the U.K.). If you look across the tool bar (about 2" below the top of the page, running from left to right), you will find a link to the back issues. Here's the link: is... 
Classical fans, I need advice
There are some good suggestions in the previous posts, but as noted, classical music is very diverse. I've been listening to classical music for more than 40 years, and I'm still finding new "treasures".Rather than add my own specific suggestions ... 
Are Sub-woofers really for music?
The Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer is one of the most musical on the market. There have been a LOT of posts about them here over the past two years, and rather than try to recap those posts, I suggest you spend some time looking through the A-gon archi... 
Klyne vs Krell pre-amps, which is sounds better?
Stan Klyne has been designing some of the finest preamps available for more than 20 years. While attending the monthly meetings of the Pacific NW Audio Society during the 1980's, I had the chance to hear some of Klyne's prototypes, and I was alway... 
Review: Creek OBH-11 Amplifier
Kudos! You wrote one hell of a good review -- significantly better than most that get posted on A-gon, and easily as good as some of the "reviews" in the high-end audio mags. Thanks for sharing your impressions. 
Clueless and Seeking advice on TT purchase
A number of good turntables are mentioned in the previous posts. At the risk of redundancy, here are the "recommended turntables" ($1000-2000) from the Oct-Nov 2003 issue of The Absolute Sound:1. Rega P25 (Editor's Best Buy)2. Basis 1400 (with Reg... 
Klyne pre-amps, any experience out there?
I have been a real fan of Klyne preamps since the mid-1980's, when Stan used to infrequently attend meetings of the Pacific NW Audio Society. He would sometimes bring a prototype of the next preamp that he was designing, and the quality of the int... 
Rega Owners...which after-market counter weight?
About two years ago, I made a post here about the Express Machining Heavyweight Counterweight. I bought this counterweight for my (then) Rega RB900, and I was amazed at how much improvement there was to the arm's performance. I commented then that... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
The Joseph Pearls also belong on your list in this price range, as do the large SoundLabs (may be room dependent). 
Best sounding player under $3500 Used ?
Put the Ayre CX-7 CD player on your short list to audition... 
New labels to sample....
You've mentioned some good LP labels. As you continue to look for old LP's in good condition, keep your eyes open for releases on the Hungaraton, Lyrita, and BIS labels. There were many fine releases on these labels. (Hungaraton was sort of the si... 
Music to audition tube peramps with?
All of the suggestions above are excellent, but if you find yourself limited to CD only, then include the Burmester Test CD #2 on your list (most high-end audio stores should have a copy). The CD has a wide range of music, including male and femal... 
Moderately priced interconnect for McCormack amp
Add the Kimber Hero (TAS "Budget Component of the Year" 2 years ago) and the Alpha-Core Goertz TQ2 to your list. I've owned both of these interconnects and think they offer excellent value. 
Power Amp suggestions in $2000 range ?
Does the amp have to be a tube unit? If not, and you will consider a solid state amp (both new and used), then these 4 amps are in your general budget range and offer excellent performance:1. Bryston 4B-SST2. Marsh A400S3. Rotel RB-10904. McCormac... 
What's in your record cleaning machine????
I've been using the following cleaning solution for more than 30 years, with very good results: 25% isopropyl alcohol (99% pure); 75% distilled water; and 8-10 drops of Triton surfactant.