
Responses from sdcampbell

McCormack or Quicksilver for Vandersteen 2ci?
As Bigkidz notes, tube amps often have nice mid-range, but may lack bass control. Since you already have a tube preamp, I'd recommend using a SS amp with the Vandy speakers. My first set of Vandersteen speakers was the Model 2Ci, and like all Vand... 
great little speakers
My favorite small speaker for many years has been the Pyramid MET-7, designed and made by Richard Sequerra, one of the audio "greats". I took them with me when I was teaching in the Far East, and really enjoyed their excellent performance in small... 
Room Placement on Vandersteen 3A Sig's?
You would certainly have enough room between the rear wall and the back of the 3A Sig's (my pair are about 30" out from the rear wall), but 18" from the side walls probably isn't enough. However, most room placement guidelines recommend that speak... 
Right tuner for the job
Thanks for the additional info. Given your present audio equipment, I'll conclude that you want to get a first-rate tuner, but are willing to buy a used unit. Have you considered getting a Sequerra tuner? They were -- and still are -- one of the f... 
Small diameter, flexible speaker cable under $200?
I'd second the Kimber suggestion above. If you need really long runs, then the cost could go above $200, in which case I'd recommend Kimber 4VS (essentially the same cable at 4TC, except it uses a polyvinyl insulation rather than Teflon). In a boo... 
goldring or grado?
The previous post pretty much hits the nail on the head. I had a Thorens TD-126 Mk3 back in the late 1980's (with the same tonearm you have), and used a Grado cartridge with it (can't be sure about the model, but I think it was the "MZ"). The only... 
Right tuner for the job
Warren:Can you give us a bit more info, such as:1. Do you intend to use the tuner for critical listening, or will it be used mainly for casual listening?2. How much are you willing to spend, and are you willing to buy a used tuner?3. How good is t... 
Question re: "balanced" audio setup
As you have probably noted from reading the posts here on A-gon, there are differing opinions about the efficacy of balanced connections in most home audio systems. It's true that balanced connections provide lower noise in systems where the inter... 
Lehman Black cube setting with Grado Platinum
I am currently using a Grado Reference cartridge (4.5 mV output) with a Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE (which was the original version before I did the SE upgrade). The cartridge loading I use is 47 kOhms, with a 40 db gain setting (the setting speci... 
strange sound
You may get a differing opinion from some of our technical guys, but I don't think you need to worry about the sound you hear when powering down. If you find the discharge annoying, you could replace the capacitors, but that may or may not solve t... 
strange sound
Sounds like you have noisy power supply capacitors that are discharging slowly when you turn the amp off. 
Vandersteen-like "In-between" speakers
The new Vandy speaker mentioned in Swklein's post above is the Vandersteen Reference Monitor that Richard V. has been working on for several years. It has been shown before at several audio shows. The speaker is essentially the top half of the Mod... 
Cartridge wars
After trying several different cartridges with my VPI HW-19 Mk4 / Rega RB-900 (now RB-1000), I eventually chose the Grado Reference ($1200, 4.5 mV output). I have been extremely pleased with it. It is very quick (close to the best moving coils), h... 
Tube Phono Preamp ? ? ?
If you are restricted to a $500 budget, my best suggestion is an interim approach: buy a used Adcom GFP-565 preamp, and save your money until you can afford a much better tube unit. The Adcom 565 has an excellent phono stage (it got outstanding re... 
Vandersteen 2ci: what a pleasant surprise
The differences between the various incarnations of the Vandy Model 2C's (2C, 2Ci, 2Ce) are attributable to Richard Vandersteen's continual refinement of this fine speaker. While the basic design has remained the same for a long time (going back, ...