
Responses from sdcampbell

Hafler preamps - good, not so good, and history?
As a former owner of several Hafler products (both preamps and amps), I was saddened when David Hafler died. Over the decades since the 1950's, his products and designs made it possible for a lot of audio enthusiasts on limited budgets to enjoy hi... 
The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD
I am going to assume that Zaikesman's comment about my post implied his general agreement with what I wrote. In my experience as an audiophile over the past 40 years, I have heard only a handful of recordings that were "technically excellent" (i.e... 
Good cables for my rear speakers
There have been a number of previous threads on this subject, so you might want to check the Audiogon archives to see all of the discussion and recommendations. 
I need help to get the best of a pair of speakers
If your MartinLogan speakers provide for bi-wiring, the Bryston 14B-SST should do a fine job of driving the speaker in full range. 
Surround Sound Processor Pre-Amp Performance
"Distortion" does not need to apologize for recommending the Bryston SP-1.7, since it is an excellent pre/pro. I do, however, understand his concern about "pimping" the Bryston line, since I am equally guilty. I have one of the first Bryston SP-1'... 
The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD
Viridian is "dead on" with his comment about the Charlie Byrd D-to-D recording on Crystal Clear. When I was a high school student in suburban Maryland in the late 1950's, I took some guitar lessons from Charlie Byrd, and heard him perform live man... 
Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?
I'm using a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures, plus a stereo pair of Vandy 2Wq subwoofers. For a full description of my system, click on the system link below. 
Is there a knowledgeable VPI Rep out there?
I also own a VPI HW-19 Mk4, and have called VPI once before regarding a technical question. Also like you, I got a somewhat brusque response. I then asked to talk directly to Harry Weisfeld (the owner and chief guru), who was very polite and helpf... 
mV output from cartridge, please explain
The rated output of a cartridge (such as 3.0 mV, or 0.5 mV) is the voltage of the output signal, usually based on the stylus tracking at a specific rate (for example, 5 cm per second). Moving coil cartridges usually have voltage output of less tha... 
Glen Miller, current recording, quality CD
The GRP recording mentioned by Allan is an enjoyable recording, but be aware that it is recorded in 5.1 channel DTS. I am not aware of other recent/new recordings of Glen Miller material, but you might check out the recordings under Tex Beneke's n... 
replacing Dunlavy SC-IV's
As someone who liked Dunlavy speakers, you should give serious consideration to the Vandersteen Model 5A, which shares a number of performance characteristics with the now-defunct Dunlavy line. The Vandy Model 5A sells for $15k, while the original... 
Best dd 5.1/dts processor for around 2k used
At the $2k (used) price range, you should definitely put the Bryston SP-1 on your list of pre/pros to consider. 
Feel vs. Think - take an objective look...
Amen, brother! You have identified a linguistic source of irritation for me: the use of the word "feel" when people actually mean "think". The oral and written use of our language, not to mention general literacy, has deteriorated greatly during t... 
Biamping combining Tube and SS
I know of a few audiophiles who do / have done this. The argument that is put forward for combining tube (for the mids and upper frequencies) and solid state amps (for the bass frequencies) in a bi-amp arrangement is that the tube amp yields a nic... 
Vivaldi fans lend me your ears for a moment...
I second the recommendation by Auaarons. I have 4 versions of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons", and my favorite is the version by Fabio Biondi.