
Responses from sdcampbell

How can multiple woofers generate lower frequency?
Assuming that the woofers are identical, they will have the same frequency response. However, when using two subs in the same room, it is possible to generate somewhat smoother low frequencies due to the effect of the room acoustics. A single subw... 
Music Hall or Rega TT
Since you are planning to upgrade your TT, I suggest you also consider the entry-level VPI Jr. It can be upgraded in increments all the way to the HW-19 Mk4, so you have a TT that can grow with your analog interests. 
How international is your system?
In my first post, I forgot to include my office system, which has a rather different flavor than the home system. Here's the office system:Source: Japan (TEAC Reference CD player)Amplification: Norway (Tandberg Troll integrated)Speakers: Australia... 
1s are 1s, 0s are 0s, right?
The better technical articles that I've read on this subject conclude that interconnects do make a difference, but not for the same reasons that IC's affect the fidelity of an analog signal. Most of the articles I've read state that the primary fa... 
Best Bang-4-Buck Thorens TT???
I had a Thorens TD-126 Mk3 back in the early-to-mid 1980's, and liked it a lot. I think it was either the best, or next to the best, model that Thorens offered at the time. If you can find a used one that's in good shape, it would be an excellent ... 
Room Treatments added, with negative effects..
Rives: Yes, you are correct about the LEDE setup that I tried to describe. I didn't go into enough detail to mention that my "inverted LEDE" setup was actually the opposite of the original studio arrangement. Thanks for catching that. And since I'... 
How international is your system?
I hadn't thought about this idea before, which reflects the same international manufacturing diversity as new cars (which have parts from everywhere). My own system breaks down:Turntable and cartridge: U.S.Tonearm: Great BritainPhono preamp: Germa... 
Pre with Pass-Thru for HT Processor
It sounds like you want an analog preamp with a pair of preamp output jacks and power amp input jacks on the rear panel, plus a tape monitor loop that will allow you to insert a surround processor. This configuration is available on a number of pr... 
Room Treatments added, with negative effects..
Room treatments can be a very tricky process, and without conducting a real-time analysis it's hard to know exactly what's required. The best suggestion I can offer is to try treating your room with the "LEDE", or "live-end, dead-end" approach. Th... 
Upgrade questions: B&W N803 vs ML Ascent ?
Given your 60/40 ratio of HT to music, I think the B&W's are probably going to be a better choice than the ML Ascents. As noted above, the Ascents, like all electrostatics, need to be placed well away from the wall, and due to their radiation ... 
Good Sounding Inexpensive Phono Preamp?
Creek also makes a decent phono preamp in this price range, and there is also a small unit from England called the Gram Amp which has gotten positive reviews. However, if your budget will stretch a bit, I'd explore buying a used Lehmann Audio Blac... 
I'm confused
All of the advice above is good, so please excuse me if I question one aspect of your thinking (and I don't mean this as a personal insult in any way). You didn't mention any near-term plan to get a larger listening room, so I don't see the merit ... 
Looking for a Speaker in the $15,000 Range
Your first item on the list would have been my suggestion: the Vandersteen Model 5A. With good electronics, the 5A's are a superb full-range speaker that are as good as many speakers costing up to $25k. 
How to Liven up a room
Slappy: it's possible that the basement is acoustically dead, but your impression of "deadness" may also be due to the fact that the room is large, L-shaped, and your bookshelf-style speakers simply don't fill the room. Large rooms with dry wall a... 
The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD
Lugnut: I certainly agree with your point that a lot of the "technically excellent" recordings in D-to-D format are, more often than not, musically boring after a few playings. Wouldn't it be great if there were more really excellent recordings of...