
Responses from sdcampbell

Which 7 channel amp for growing system?
I have responded to various threads over the past year or so regarding the decision to acquire a 7.1 channel systems. Obviously, every audio and HT buff has the right to assemble the system that pleases them, and I do not mean in any way to dispar... 
Phasing the Vandersteen 2Wq
When I set up my stereo pair of 2Wq's (with my Vandy 3A Sig's), I tried them both in-phase and reversed-phase, and the outcome was similar to what you describe. I subsequently got the Rives Audio test CD (which has test bands that are corrected to... 
Connecting Vandersteen 2Wq
Aural differences between IC's and speaker cables are generally subtle, but I thought the Kimber 8TC cable provided slightly tighter, better defined bass response. This may be due to the Kimber's somewhat larger gauge. Kimber 8TC has, over the yea... 
floor vibrates like a speaker
If you have access to a marine supply company, you should take a look at some of the materials developed for sound deadening on commercial boats. For example, there is a very absorptive carpet pad that I installed in my car to reduce road noise --... 
is a subwoofer for music a good idea??
In the order of your questions:1. Yes -- a subwoofer can add a lot to the reproduction of music, PROVIDED the sub is of good quality and is compatible with your main speakers. To get a fairly seamless blend between the main speakers and the sub, t... 
Vadnerseen 5A crossover outside
A bit of additional info to add to the points already made:1. The Vandy Model 5 crossover housings (one for each channel) are attractively made of stainless steel (unlike the plastic crossover housing supplied with the Vandy 2Wq subwoofer), and ar... 
Connecting Vandersteen 2Wq
I have a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs in my current system, and I replaced the Vandersteen-supplied speaker cable with Kimber 8TC. There was some improvement in the bass, although the difference was subtle. If you decide to keep the Vandy-supplied speak... 
Best monoblock tubes amp with Vandersteen 5As
If you have the opportunity to audition some other tube amps with the 5A's, then I would add the following to your list: Conrad-Johnson (Premier series); Manley Labs Neo-Classic; and VTL. 
Vanderteen 5A's versus Wilson WattPuppy 7's
While you did not specifically ask for comments about the Wilson Watt/Puppy combo, I have felt for years that it is over-rated when compared to less expensive speakers. If cost is a factor in your decision -- even somewhat -- then the Vandy 5A wou... 
I'm scratching my records
It sounds to me like you may also need to adjust the antiskating force. If it is set too high, or too low, it will cause the tonearm to swing rapidly toward (or away) from the spindle when the stylus makes contact with the record.There are test LP... 
What is your price range for used vinyl?
Speaking solely for myself, I will not pay more than $30-35 for used vinyl -- and that has to be for a LP that I really want. For most other LP's, I will rarely pay more than $20, and again for an LP that I particularly want to own 
Vandersteen VCC or 2ci as a center channel?
I concur with Gbryant's comments. The VCC-1 uses a single, coaxial speaker to provide point source sound, and it also has a "proximity switch" on the back panel which compensates for whether the speaker is mounted below and in front of the video s... 
adcom GFP-750 or aragon 28K
I've owned both of these preamps, and I think the Adcom is the better unit, particularly if you buy it used. Even if you pay full retail price for a new GFP-750, you get truly excellent value (cost-to-performance ratio). 
Soliciting opinions about upgrading
Since you have not indicated a budget for your amplifier upgrade plan, or stated a ratio of music to HT usage, I'll simply throw out my ideas, recognizing in advance that it may not fit your requirements. Let me open this thread by making two comm... 
Speaker cables for Thiel 2.3's and Bryston 4BST?
Given the audio qualities of the Thiels and Bryston, I think that the Alpha-Core Goertz MI2 Veracity (copper) speaker cables, terminated with their silver spade lugs, will provide a good match. You can buy the cables direct from Alpha-Core on a mo...