
Responses from sdcampbell

Preamp for Vandersteen 2ce sig w/ Mccormack DNA0.5
It would be helpful to know your budget. If you have less than $1000 to spend, you should consider the Adcom GFP-750 and the Marsh P-2000, both of which offer very good value for the money. If you have up to $1500 for a used unit, then your choice... 
Vandersteen Quattro
Hi, Jeffrey. Not to contradict you, but phase-aligned and time-correct are not the same thing.When one refers to phase-aligned, it means that all of the drivers in a speaker are wired so they are are in positive phase or negative phase at the same... 
Grado cartridge preamp gain
According to the Grado web site, both the Green and Black cartridges have 5.0 mV output. Hence, any decent phono preamp with 35-40 db of gain will be more than sufficient. There are several inexpensive to moderately-priced (up to $1500) phono prea... 
Vandersteen Quattro
I can only offer a second-hand comment based on a conversation I had yesterday with Tim Ratcliffe, owner of "Experience Audio" in Seattle, WA. (For Seattle-area audiophiles who are not familiar with Tim's store, I'll quickly mention that his produ... 
VAC Phi 70 good match for Vandersteen 5As?
If at all possible, audition the VAC before you sell your McCormack. I know from personal conversations with Richard Vandersteen that he thinks very highly of the McCormack amps, and has used them over the years with his various speaker models. Be... 
Is the Adcom GFP-750 really that good ?
Q: Is the Adcom GFP-750 really that good ?A: Yes, and it's an exceptional value when purchased used. You may also want to consider Marsh P2000, the Rotel RC1090, and the Quicksilver Remote Control Linestage. All of these preamps retail (new) for $... 
Grado cartridge preamp gain
The phono preamp that I use with my Grado Reference (4.0 mV output) has a 35 db gain, which works very well. Anything in the range of 35-40 db is fine with the higher output Grados. For the low output Grados (0.5 mV), at least 60 db of gain is req... 
Matching pre-amp for Bryston power amp
Your comment in the first sentence of the second paragraph of your post is revealing. Have you actually listened to the new Bryston BP-26 preamp in your system, or are you ambivalent about doing so because some audio equipment reviewers didn't giv... 
Is Stax headphone still in business
I'll offer an unsolicited comment, so take it FWIW. I have an old pair of Stax SR-80 electret headphones which I liked a lot. The earpads deteriorated over time, and I decided to buy new headphones, soI bought the Sennheiser HD600's (which I recen... 
Hsu Subs
You might be interested to know that Outlaw Audio has a new subwoofer that they've added to their line (the LFM-1), which was designed for them by Hsu. This sub has gotten some excellent reviews, and sells for $579 (Internet direct). For more info... 
What do I upgrade next to soothe the soul?
You are likely to get the most "bang for your buck" from upgrading your speakers, and from proper room treatment, such as installing diffraction / absorption materials. One of the important factors, given your room size, is how loudly you like to ... 
Sub for my system? Please help
In your budget, you should seriously consider the new Outlaw subwoofer, which was designed Outlaw by Hsu. The sub is sold direct by Outlaw, and it has gotten some excellent reviews. 
Surround speakers: Better ones at rear or side?
My suggestion is to place the better speakers closer to your ears (the side speakers), and the lesser-quality ones farther from your ears (rear wall). If you can aim the rear speakers to bounce off the ceiling, it will diffuse the sound more, and ... 
Rega RB-300 Counterweight
I bought the Expressimo Audio Heavy Counterweight for my Rega RB-900 about two years ago, and posted a "rave" review for it, saying that the improvement it made to my turntable/tonearm combo was NOT subtle, and was the most significant "tweak" to ... 
What's the tonearm mass of the Premier FT-3
I used to own the FT-3 tonearm, and based solely on memory (which is a little faulty these days), I think the tonearm mass was about 10 grams. You might want to look at the web site called "The Vinyl Engine", which has a long list of downloadable ...