
Responses from sdcampbell

Which pre/pros have high output?
John:Let's reframe the discussion just a bit. The so-called "volume knob" does not actually increase the volume -- it actually turns it down. At full rotation (maximum volume), the volume knob is simply passing along the signal as it enters the pr... 
Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical
Given your stated criteria, you should also audition the Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures (new), or the Vandy 3A's (used). 
Speaker cables for Vandersteen 5As?
As I have commented in previous posts, my local Vandersteen dealer (Advanced Audio Systems, Tacoma, WA) uses bi-wire Goertz MI2 cables to connect his Ayre demo electronics to the Vandy 5 and 5A's. It was after hearing this setup that I bought a pa... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
I, too, have had a number of pleasant interactions with Pat, and he generously offered me some excellent advice earlier this year when I was starting a new career in real estate. I really appreciate your post, Paul, and will contact Pat directly. 
What do you do with Ayre?
Sean: good to see you posting again. And in response to your question, yes -- the Ayre electronics in combination with the Alpha-Core Goertz cables and the Vandy Model 5's make a terrific sounding setup. Wish I had the money to upgrade to those co... 
Small speakers for a small room
There are some very good small monitors available, and a moderately wide price range. For example, the Totem Rainmakers offer a lot of performance for $900 (retail); the Paradigm Signatures are also very good, but cost more than twice as much as t... 
What do you do with Ayre?
For what it's worth, my local Vandersteen dealer uses Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cable to connect his Ayre demo gear to the Vandy Model 3-series and Vandy Model 5-series speakers. After hearing the Alpha-Core speaker cables in this setup, I bought ... 
Need advice on Vandersteen VSMs
As a long-time owner of Vandersteen speakers, I obviously like their product line -- at least their primary floor-stander models. I am less impressed by the VSM's, however.The VSM's are really intended for wall mounting, and their sonic characteri... 
Cost to upgrade Vandersteen 3A's to 3A sigs.?? ?
Hi, 4yanx:I haven't looked at the Vandy site to verify my comment, but as I recall, the upgrade from 3A to 3A Sig involves replacing the tweeter with the same one used in the Model 5, plus an upgrade to some of the components in the crossover. The... 
Cables for Vandersteen2C w/ Creek 5350SE
My suggestions would have included those already mentioned, but if your budget is tight, you should consider the Kimber 4VS or 4TC cables as well. Kimber's "VS" cables use the same wire and wiring configuration as the "TC" line, except they do not... 
The Mighty Wurlitzer. You want bass?
Fans of organ music (both church and theater) might also be interested in the offerings from the following 3 web sites:1. American Theater Organ Society: Cinema Organ Society (site in the UK): 
Will an entry level tube preamp help w/ B&K ST-140
My personal recommendation is to consider some other solid state amp than the B&K. B&K uses MOSFET transistors in the output stage, which tends to make them sound rather warm and soft. A better idea, IMO, would be a SS amp that uses bipola... 
Tube Amps
The previous post by AVguy makes a good point: moderately priced tube amps can, and usually do, sound quite different than comparably priced solid state amps (due mainly to the much higher cost for transformers in the tube amps). The performance d... 
Best tool for cartridge alignment?
The "best" cartridge alignment tool is probably the Wally-Tractor, which is custom-made for each particular tonearm/turntable combo. I think it costs about $150 from Wally, and takes a couple of weeks for an order to arrive.However, the Dennesen S... 
Alpha Core MI2 vs Audience AU24 speaker cable
As a contrarian, I think you deserve an alternative response. I've owned and used many different kinds of speaker cable, and have done some "non-scientific" listening tests with friends using different speaker cables, and I found the Alpha-Core Go...