
Responses from sdcampbell

My VPI MK3 skips if I walk near it.Should this be?
Paul's comment is on the money. I have had a VPI HW-19 Mk4 for many years, and my older home has rather "flexible" wooden floors. Like you, the tonearm on my VPI TT bounced whenever there were footfalls near its' location (it even bounced if our o... 
Lugnut needs your advice on small speakers
Hi, Patrick:I've recently been auditioning smaller speakers with a good friend, and we've heard several that impressed me. And, if your friend is willing to buy used gear, then there are 6-8 very good choices that he should consider: 1. Totem Rain... 
Thinking of jumping to analog...which turntable?
Given the quality of the rest of your system, it makes sense to invest in a good quality TT / tonearm / cartridge combo. For the money, I don't think you can beat the VPI Scoutmaster, which comes equipped with the JMW-9 unipivot tonearm. The TT, w... 
Denon 3910 tube comparisons
Audioholics recently did a test of the Underwood-modified 3910. Here's the link: is also a full review of the stock 3910 (which was Audioholics' "Editor's Choice" in th... 
Are MOSFET's voltage, not current, devices?
In a nutshell, transistors of all types are current devices, whereas tubes are voltage devices. In most of the "better" solid-state amps, the input stage uses FET's, the gain stage has MOSFET's, and the output stage has bi-polar transistors. This ... 
Rear surround sound speaker cables
My HT system is comprised primarily of Vandy speakers -- only the rear surrounds are a different brand (M&K SS-150 THX), which I chose mainly due to space limitations. Given that the Vandy VLR's are not truly full-range (as I recall, the rollo... 
Need help in picking a good preamp/processor
You don't indicate your budget, but if you can afford one of the best pre/pros on the market, I strongly recommend the Bryston SP-1.7 (retail price is $4800, but can be purchased used for around $3200). I have the original SP1, and have been extre... 
Best SACD player for the money - Marantz SA-11S1
You should also include the new Denon DVD-5910 on your list. It has received several exceptional reviews that have lauded both its video and audio performance. 
I am not an opera fan...but...
One of the finest recordings of opera music I have ever heard is a relatively recent release titled "Arias for Farinelli", featuring arias that were performed by Carlo Farinelli (1705-1782), a castrato virtuoso. The arias are sung by Vivica Genaux... 
laid back speakers
Many people regard the Vandersteen 2Ce / 2Ce Signature as "laid back". I think it is mellow rather than laid back, but that's quibbling over wording. What the Vandy 2Ce / 2Ce Signature does do, however, is work in a forgiving way with a lot of sol... 
I want to upgrade my TT for about $2K.
You should also give serious consideration to the VPI Scoutmaster, which has a retail price of $2400. The Scoutmaster's tonearm (the JMW 9), which is included in the price, is far superior to the Rega RB300. While I certainly have a high regard fo... 
Analog - Bang For Buck
If you want "set and forget", the two VPI choices you list would be excellent. I've recently done some extended auditions to both of these tables, and they are about as "bullet proof" as you can get. If you budget permits, I'd urge you to get the ... 
Need best mid-price ICs for new ss M/C amp...
The Kimber line of interconnects is very good, and has excellent compatibility with almost every brand of audio component. If you want to keep the cost reasonable, consider the Kimber Hero interconnects.Another good choice is the Alpha-Core Goertz... 
Vandersteen 5A HighPass M5 Crossover
I'm with 4yanx on this one -- I have never heard of a SS power amp with an impedance higher than about 100k ohms. Tube amps often have input impedances in the 100k ohm or higher category. 
Anyone have experience with Denon DVD-2910?
Thanks very much for the input, guys. I also got a couple of private responses that also had positive things to say about this unit. After I made this post, I found a professional review of the DVD-3910 (MSRP: $1499) on Audioholics, which gave the...