
Responses from sdcampbell

Vandersteen's, optimum placement, room limitations
As much as I love my Vandy 3A Sig's (with a pair of 2Wq subs), and as much as I'd like to recommend the 3A Sig's to you, I think the advice already offered is probably correct. My room is 13' x 18', and I think it is about as small as I'd recommen... 
Any other Pat Martino fans out there?
I have several of Martino's early recordings, which I actually prefer to a lot of his current work. The fact that he is still performing, however, is a real testament to him. 
Best way of removing rust from silver or other
The tarnish on silver and copper is a form of oxidation (so is rust), but it forms a patina on the surface and does not actually destroy the metal in the same that rust will cause iron and low-carbon steel to decay and eventually crumble. Any good... 
Should the platter and plinth be level?
It's possible that the well in which the platter shaft and bearing are located is not perfectly vertical, which would make the cause the platter surface to be out of parallel with the plinth. In the situation you describe, it's more important that... 
New speaker "break-in" music?
Almost any kind of fairly full-range music played at moderate volume will work fine. The objective is to "exercise" each of the drivers in the speaker, so music like orchestral, big band, etc., works fine. 
Mapleshade records: Pick the best of
Hi, Sean:I own 24 Mapleshade CD's, and intend, in response to your post, to write an article that provides information about each recording. Unfortunately, I do not have time to do that today, and I am travelling to Sacramento for the weekend. Hen... 
Where are they now...?
I can contribute one name: Richard Sequerra, co-designer of the Day-Sequerra tuner and many other audio products. For a number of years, Richard has owned his own company, Sequerra Audio Design, where he makes both commercial and professional prod... 
What kind of paint works best on MDF board?
MDF is very absorbent, so you should first apply several coats of a good sealer, sanding lightly between each coat. If you want a high gloss black finish without blemishes or streaks, you will have to spray paint the cabinets (preferably in an enc... 
near-field surround speakers
Look at the M&K line of surround speakers. They offer both wall-mount and in-wall models, with both dipole and tripole styles available. (I own a pair of M&K SS-150 THX tripoles and think they are outstanding.) For more info about the M&am... 
Good Better Best Interconnects
In the interest of giving you another choice that's within your budget, add the Kimber Hero interconnects to your short list. They have received strong endorsements from a number of audio equipmnent reviewers, and they -- like all of the moderatel... 
Anthony Gallo Reference 3 without sub
I auditioned these speakers last week with a friend, and thought they sounded quite good, although for $2600 they should. The demo pair I heard was in a rather poor room (acostically), but despite that I thought they were well balanced. The only s... 
Vandersteen 2 ce vs. B&W N 804, Any opinions?
These two speakers have quite different tonal characteristics, with the Vandy being on the warm side of neutral, with rather full lower frequencies, and the 804's somewhat brighter and balanced toward a leaner, more forward overall sound. Your pro... 
What is the best component video cable available?
I am a member of the camp that believes mega-dollar video cables are largely a waste of money unless you have an absolutely top-end video display/monitor that has been professionally calibrated by an ISF technician. Assuming you have an analog set... 
Good matching universal player for this system
I was auditioning some speakers last night at one of our local high-end audio stores, and asked the salesman for his recommendation for a good universal player retailing for around $2k or less. He recommended the new Marantz (model 9500, I think) ... 
which subwoofer?
When you want a musical sub that integrates seamlessly with the main speakers, you are talking about the Vandersteen 2Wq sub. The Vandersteen web site has a complete review of the Vandy 2Wq sub, written by Richard Hardesty. The article contains a ...