
Responses from sdcampbell

Inter. for Bryston 3BSST/5BST ---- Meridian 561M
Not sure what you mean by "not too expensive", but I use Alpha-Core Sapphire IC's with my Bryston 4B-ST and 5B-ST amps and have been very pleased with their performance. You can a used 1.0 meter pair with RCA's for around $200. If that's more than... 
Vandersteen Subwoofer decision
The decision to add another 2W versus a 2Wq is a personal judgement call, as you may not notice a significant performance difference in stepping up to a pair of 2Wq's. About a year ago, I had a chance to talk personally with Richard Vandersteen wh... 
Vassar Clements R. I.P.
The Seattle Times had a brief obit for Vassar Clements in today's issue. Here's the link: obit mention... 
Best SACD-CD Player under $1000?
The Denon DVD-3910 is a superb universal player for the money, and does a great job with CD, SACD, DVD-A, and DVD-video. It's gotten terrific reviews, and can purchased NEW for about $1050 from an authorized dealer. I'd be glad to provide more inf... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
For 'philes on a moderate budget, I always recommend Paradigm and PSB speakers as a great starting point. I think their cost-to-performance ratio is excellent. You might also want to consider some of the lower-priced B&W models, such as the 60... 
Sweet Neo-Con
The Stones aren't the only Europeans who have "editorial comments" regarding U.S. foreign policy. For those who have not read or heard about the article written for the German newspaper Der Welt by Matthias Doepfner, CEO of the giant German publis... 
Any suggestions on coolest running monoblocks?
For around $4 used you can buy a pair of Bryston 7B-ST monoblock amps, which are one of the best monoblocks you can buy, and also fill the bill for "running cool". 
Best component video cable under $150?
I suggest you look at the cables made by I own several of their products, including the Silver Serpent component video cables, and their price and performance is excellent (they've also gotten very good professional reviews). Her... 
Which Home Theater speakers for under $28,000.
To respond to CinematicSystems' post: the July-August 2005 issue contained the article which mentioned the Vandy 5A-based system for their "no holds barred" HT system. The other speaker system in this category was the Wilson surround system ($57k:... 
Which Home Theater speakers for under $28,000.
Electrostaticman's post may be a bit misleading. I based my answer on the title of his post (Which HT Speakers Under $28K?), rather than having $28k for an entire HT system. If he actually means speakers, and not the whole system, I'll stand by my... 
Denon 3910 vs Sony 999ES/9000ES
I recently purchased the Denon DVD-3910 after auditioning the Marantz DV-9500 and several comparable $1500-2000 models from Sony and other manufacturers. Rave reviews always make me suspicious, so I want to be cautious with my wording. That said, ... 
Which Home Theater speakers for under $28,000.
You can do a full Vandersteen system (5A main speakers, VCC-5 center channel, VSM Signature surrounds, and two 2Wq subs) for about $22k. This is one hell of a system, which is also outstanding for music. The current issue of "The Perfect Vision" c... 
Has anyone listened to the Grado Statement ?
I have VERY pleased with the Grado Reference ($1200, 4.5 mV output version). Many of my friends get fooled into thinking it's a very pricey moving coil cartridge. I have heard the Statement, and in comparison to the Reference I don't think it's wo... 
Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?
Try to audition a pair of the new Vandersteen Quatro's. They offer exceptional performance for the price, and they are also reasonably compact in size. 
I'm looking for inexpensive bookshelf speakers.
If you can find a used pair of Totem Rainmakers, they should be on your "short list" to audition.