
Responses from sdcampbell

long interconnects - earthly price?
Hi, Albert:Just a note to say that I'm the "other" Campbell -- Ben is a fellow "clansman" who lives in Scotland, whereas I live in Seattle.Best regards,Scott Campbell"Sdcampbell" 
long interconnects - earthly price?
With a 16" run of IC, you should be looking for a cable that has low resistance and capacitance per foot (like microphone cable). One choice is Nordost flat cables (such as the Blue Heaven), which have very low capacitance, but a 16' run won't be ... 
Anybody have a problem buying modded units.
I'd agree that modded units appeal to a much smaller group of buyers than stock equipment, and are therefore somewhat harder to re-sell. I can think of 4 factors that are relevant:First, the mod invalidates the manufacturer's warranty (although th... 
What is best to use for SACD
Man, that's a tight squeeze -- I hope you get out successfully without injury... 
What speakers use a "minimal" crossover?
Full-range, single driver, horn speakers have no crossovers, but usually have sonic limitations at the frequency extremes (you can only ask a single driver to do so much...). Very large panel planars and electrostatics (such as the big Sound Labs)... 
Can you suggest a warm high-end CD player?
If possible, audition the Ayre CD player. It should meet your criteria, and it's relatively "inexpensive" as well. 
LAST Record Preservative. Do you believe?
I have been using LAST on my LP's for more than 30 years, and have been very satisfied with its performance. Some of my LP's have been played many times over the years, and there is no detectable deterioration of either the vinyl surfaces or the q... 
Speaker cables being pricier than main speakers
You are seeking advice on a somewhat controversial topic: wire. On the whole, I agree with the previous post -- it makes little sense to buy the Valhallas UNLESS you have done an extended audition with your current speakers and system and are abso... 
i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas
Here's an alternative suggestion: buy a bunch of old Jackie Gleason recordings in the "music for lovers" vein that he produced. If that stuff doesn't put you to sleep... 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
I agree that some (maybe even many) of the so-called audiophile LP re-issues are a disappointment. One bright spot that I've found, however, is the Pure Pleasure label -- excellent sound fidelity and pressing quality. PP has more releases planned,... 
Have you noticed that
Thanks for the smile. I agree with almost everything, with the exception of the last point. I guess I fall into the "ALMOST" category, as I recently bought a MF X-10v3 and DON'T plan to sell it. I am thoroughly enjoying what the X-10v3 adds to the... 
where to go to find these speakers of choice????
Audio Connection, a high-end dealer in New Jersey owned by John Rutan, is one of the largest Vandy dealers in the country. I suggest you contact him to see if he has any used 5A's, or expects to have a pair on consignment in the near future. 
X-10 V3 and multiple digital sources
Rwwear: Thanks for the clarification. I was deliberately keeping my response directed to Ebenai's question about whether he could send digital signals through the X-10v3, to which the answer is "no". He can, however, send an analog signal from eit... 
Seeking Opinions on Clearaudio and VPI Turntables
I would describe the sound of the VPI turntables as tending toward the warm and full, but not "dark" or lacking in detail. I say this based on many years of owning a VPI TT, and having heard almost everything in their line except the TNT-HR. The C... 
X-10 V3 and multiple digital sources
Ebenai:Let's clarify one point that seems to be confusing: the X-10v3 can process ONLY analog signals, which means that the CD/SACD/DVD-A player's DAC must convert the digital signal to analog BEFORE the signal passes through the X10. SACD players...