
Responses from sdcampbell

Whats the best MC cartridge for my new VPI SCOUT?
At the $800 (new) price point, I suggest you put the Shelter 501-II on your short list. It's a hell of a cartridge for the money. You could also consider the Grado Master (the one that sells for about $800). 
Cartridge alignment help.
The problem you describe sounds like the cartridge is mis-tracking in the left channel. This can be due to the anti-skate not being properly balanced between the channels, or due to an incorrect azimuth for the cartridge. 
best used record store s for "BLUES"?
Don't know if it's the "best", but Princeton Record Exchange in Princeton, NJ, has a wide selection of used LP's. Here's the link to their web site: you are ever in Princeton, plan to spend a chunk of time browsing their inv... 
wave a magic wand and poof...the stereo disappears
No sound system would mean that I'd spend more time on photography and wood working. But I'd SURE miss the sounds. Music has gotten me through most of the tough times in my life... 
Most PRACTICAL, yet good sounding REEL to REEL ???
Tandberg built some excellent R-to-R recorders. Some years back, I owned a Tandberg 6000 (7.5" reels), and while it lacked some of the "bells and whistles" found on Japanese units, it was easy to use and made excellent recordings. Tandberg also ma... 
Jazz LP's at Tower Records
I purchased the LP's from the main Tower store in Seattle, which had about 150 jazz LP's available. I doubt that every Tower store will stock LP's, but most of the stores in major cities probably do. A quick call to the store will answer the quest... 
wht is the difference between good and bad sound ?
Over the years, I've come to believe that people differ in how they experience sound reproduction, in somewhat the same way that some foods taste good to some people but are disagreeable to others.The simplistic answer to your question is: if the ... 
How different is Lyra Dorian to the Shelter 501 II
Trying different cartridges can be both fun and informative. The Shelter 501 is one of the very best cartridges in its' price range, and I think your "testimonial" counts for a lot:"I have the shelter 501ii on my vpi scout/jmw9.0. I Like the combo... 
What's snapping?
It's hard to say with certainty, but the "snapping" sound you are experiencing may be a faulty capacitor discharging. I had a similar problem once with a preamp. 
LAST Record Preservative. Do you believe?
I did an Internet search to find a MSDS sheet for LAST preservative, but no luck so far. If I find the info, I'll make another post. In the meantime, here are two threads about LAST that may be of interest:1. 
Anybody have a problem buying modded units.
To Jayctoy:You are correct - I don't own any modded units, although I have in the past. My decision not to go this route is based on personal experience with having a number of mods done to my equipment (CD player; preamp; and amp) during the 1980... 
Achieving audio system synergy
The following part of your post -- "needs to be musical but want to hear the details. Don’t want purely clinical. Sound stage is important. Want some warmth but not have all the edges rounded off." -- leads me to suggest that you add the Vanderste... 
whats the best styus cleaner gel
There is a much less expensive alternative that I've found works very well: Museum Gel. You can buy a fairly good sized jar for about $10. 
Lehman Black Cube SE vs Musical Fidelity XLPS V3
Both of the phono preamps you mention are excellent units in their price range. I have heard the MF, and owned the Lehmann Black Cube SE for several years. Of the two, I preferred the Black Cube. Either of these phono preamps will provide a signif... 
long interconnects - earthly price?
No offense taken, Albert. I should also have commented in my post that it might make sense for Jj2468 to get balanced IC's. While a 16-foot run is not terribly long, balanced IC's offer the potential advantage of lower noise, particularly if they ...