
Responses from sdatch

Name three of yours the most favourite drummers
Larry Mullen Jr. (very underrated), Phil Collins, and John Fishman (also very underrated)... 
Reliability of Cary Audio Products
I had an issue with a bad relay in a SLP-88. However, Cary's turnaround time on fixing the issue was less than 2 weeks, including me shipping it there, and them shipping it back to me. That's pretty good service IMO. 
Has anyone compared trivista to kw integrated
The kW is another limited run item from Musical Fidelity, so I suspect they may be getting hard to find. Both are "statement" integrateds - if you don't ahve outrageuos power requirements, it may make sense to stick with the Tri-Vista. That being ... 
Distant from front wall
The front wall, although I do think speaker depth could be an issue if your speakers are box speakers that happen to be rear ported. For example, I had to put my WATT/Puppies further out into the room than my previous speakers (Tyler Acoustics) be... 
Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 vs. kW500
Merganser, I must have misread the info on MuFi's site, or looked at the wrong spec sheet. You are right, they are basically the same. I thought I had read 100. I suspect ultimately it may come down to sonic preferences, and room size with these 2... 
Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 vs. kW500
It may depend on where you are ultimately taking this system, in terms of speakers and room. If you wish to drive something challending, in a bigger room, the kW-500 may be the ticket. In my case, I had the same decision to make as you, and chose ... 
Sony SCD-1 Filters
In my experience, the differences between the filters is not huge, so you have to listen fairly carefully.After some experimentation, I found that I prefer the standard setting. I don't always use the SCD-1 for redbook playback, but it was interes... 
Recent reviews on Cyberlight IC's
Actually John Atkinson's measurements coincide with some other reports that had been floating around on AA. One question I have been pondering is, why would HT's engineers not observe this behavior? 
You might be an audiophile if...
Nrchy, who knows, maybe that would spark a trend - the fresh corpse tweak. You could even spwan variations, like the cryo'ed corpse as cable dressing. The possibilities are endless. Actually I guess I know I;m an audiophile, since I've rambled on ... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
There is no good or bad hi-fi. It's all subjective. A great sounding system to one typically is a P.O.S. to someone else. And over time your perception of your own system typically changes. And reproduction of "live" is typically lost long before ... 
Music Hall CD-25 or original Rega Planet?
I loved the original Rega plaent when it was in my system. In fact I had used it as a transport for an outboard DAC for awhile, but found I like the Rega's analog output stage more that the DAC. However, you may want to consider something more rec... 
Integrated amplifier - selection and alternatives
The Musical Fidelity A5 integrated is also within your price range, and outputs 250 wpc into an 8 Ohm load. I recently had the opportunity to hear the kW-500 at the same dealer, which is a little over your budget. I was blown away, almost literall... 
What's the funniest song you ever heard?
Frank Zappa - "Bobby Brown Goes Down". Actually all of Sheik Yerbouti is hilarious, and I must've listened to that one 100 times... 
Simaudio Moon Eclipse vs. Wadia 861B
That's probably system dependent to some extent, but in the Eclipse owner's manual it does state that best results are achieved running off the balanced outs, which presumes into a balance preamp, though that doesn;t have to be the case. Anyhow, i... 
Cable confusion
Houndog1, those are some top notch components that should yield a really satisfying listening experience. Another potential cable solution is to use the site. You can actually do a consultation from their site, wherein you can enter ...