
Responses from salectric

The best phono stage out there?
There is no "very best" commercial preamp as others have already stated. The various offerings mentioned earlier all have their merits no doubt, but they will span a wide spectrum of sound character. If you really want the "very best" you will nee... 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
All this talk of setting A/S with a test record makes sense if all you do is play test records. In the real world, the proper test is what setup sounds better on records with music, and by that measure I have found that no A/S sounds best. Keep in... 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
I haven't used Antiskating on any of the tonearms that I've used for the past 20 years. These include Triplanar VII, Moerch DP-6, VPI JMW-10, AQ PT-6 and Sumiko FT-4. I tried each of these arms with all levels of antiskating and preferred the soun... 
Difference between micro line and gyger s stylus
No regrets,I just bought a recently manufactured Benz LP and it came with the LP-S Gyger stylus. I think Benz tends to incorporate improvements in their cartridge line without changing the model name. So if you buy a new Ruby 3H, you may find it c... 
Tube rolling Artemis Labs Ph1....
I owned a PH-1 for over a year, and tried a number of tubes in it. The third tube (5687) is certainly important. My favorite was a Raytheon. The 12AX7 is equally important. My favorite there was a 1950's Mullard ECC83 long-plate.Dave 
Galibier questions
I think it depends on where you see yourself ending up after all upgrades that you choose to make. Do you think you will eventually get both the Triplanar and Gavia TPI platter? If so, I would start with the Triplanar since you will lose more mone... 
Tweaks that convince others you're truly nuts...
Audiofeil, the change in sound of the turntable spinning for a while is probably due to the lubricating oil in the bearing warming up. At least, that's my semi-educated guess. I can't say that this will be true of all turntables, but it's true of ... 
Tweaks that convince others you're truly nuts...
Here are 4 tweaks that cost nothing and significantly improve the sound of any system, tube and ss, vinyl and digital.1. Disconnect all unused inputs. E.g. if you're listening to vinyl, unplug your CD interconnect from the preamp as well as any ot... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Moerch arms which are probably the best candidates for testing 9" vs. 12". You can easily swap a Red 9" wand for a Red 12" wand, and the mass will be the same. The only difference is the length. Something obvious... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Exlibris, I was just reacting to the events from Nov 2007 to date, as set out in the comments under your system description. During that time you have gone through a number of major component changes. Whether you bought or borrowed the equipment i... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
The best sounding linestage I know of is the Emotive Epifania with the latest upgrades. However, I hesitate to recommend that you try it because a quick review of your "system" suggests that you need to spend more time trying to optimize the sound... 
Galibier owners How do you like your music now?
Another satisfied Galibier owner here. I have owned a Gavia for 3 1/2 years, and it replaced a VPI 19 III/JMW 10 and Thorens TD-124/Moerch DP-6. The Galibier was a substantial improvement sonically over both tables. I have a Triplanar VII on the G... 
Finding ultra-pure water locally...
The Pure Water thread referenced above recommends some products at Whole Foods. I don't have a WF store in my local area, but when I was in DC recently I went to a Whole Foods and bought a couple bottles of some type of higher-than-normal-purity w... 
Awaiting my Mayware F4 MKll , from england
I used an ADC XLM and XLM II as well as a Shure V15 III-G (conical) on a JT Labs Formula 4, same as the Mayware, back in the day. I was pleased with the sound with each combination. 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
No one so far has mentioned my favorite room---the Symposium/Emotive Audio room. The combination of the Symposium ribbon tweeter/planar magnetic panels/transmission line subwoofer with Emotive tube electronics and Symposium platforms and racks was...