
Responses from salectric

Tonearm recommendations
I forgot to mention the Siggwan is a great match with Denon 103 cartridges.  I have a 103R on mine right now.  (I used the 103R on a Schick before I got the Siggwan.) 
Tonearm recommendations
I suggest you look into an Analog Instruments Siggwan which is a 12" cocobolo unipivot.  It is less expensive than the Schick and sounds better too. Each one is made to order but mine only took several weeks. 
Insuring your Audio Room?
I put my insurance coverage to the test some 25 years ago when my entire system was stolen right down to the last cable.  I was surprised to find that Nationwide didn't give me any hassle whatsoever about honoring the full replacement value covera... 
Duelund hook up wires in a Sonus Faber Cremonas speakers??
Thanks guys but I am not looking for compliments.  I just wanted to provide a little balance, that's all. 
Duelund hook up wires in a Sonus Faber Cremonas speakers??
No, I am not the lone dissenter.  Of the people I know or correspond with, everybody who tried WE or Duelunds as speaker cable (or internal wiring) concluded their other wires sound better.  These other people are not active on the audio forums th... 
Gutwire Perfect Grounding Cable
@nonoise A manufacturer who wants a product reviewed in 6Moons has to pay for the privilege.  That's "pay to play." 
Duelund hook up wires in a Sonus Faber Cremonas speakers??
The Duelund wires are cheap and easy to work with so it certainly makes sense to try them.  But don't throw away your old wires.  After several weeks with the Duelunds you may be curious what the original wires sounded like so be sure to keep them... 
Benz Ebony L retip
Sound smith did a "retip only" on my Benz LP several years ago.  It took about 8 weeks and cost $475.  I was surprised to find that it needed some break in after I got it back, but afterwards it sounded the same as when brand new as far as I could... 
Journey ending speakers
I will second Jond's recommendation of the DejaVu Audio custom speakers.  I recently bought a pair using a YL Acoustic midrange horn and compression driver, and they sound very nice in my opinion.  However, two days ago I heard two new designs at ... 
Gutwire Perfect Grounding Cable
Any review in 6Moons is suspect.  The publisher is very open about his "pay to play" business model.  Any company wanting a review has to pay for it.  So reviews in 6Moons are just another form of paid advertising.  I am not saying other webzines ... 
Thoughts on Aimee Mann....
"Lost in Space" is where I got started with Aimee Mann.  Unfortunately I only have her music on two LPs---Lost in Space and Bachelor No. 2.  The rest are on CDs and while her CDs actually sound very good I just don't hook up my digital gear very o... 
Thoughts on Aimee Mann....
At the club Aimee was in a duo, but at the theater venue she had her full band.  I prefer the fuller, more complex sound with the full band.  Your post motivated me to play my MFSL record of Bachelor No. 2.  It really is a great album and one I ha... 
Thoughts on Aimee Mann....
I have seen her live twice---once in a small theater venue (300 seats) and more recently at the 9:30 Club in DC (standing only).  Musically both were awesome nights.  Sonically the small venue was superior.  But for sheer sound quality I would tak... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Johnny Lytle "Moon Child" in glorious mono. 
VPI is bringing back the Magic Brick!
I had a VPI Magic Brick way back when.  I tried it on all sorts of things, preamps, power amps, CD players, FM tuner, and in lots of different locations on top of each component, and I never found a single instance where it improved the sound.  Th...