
Responses from runnin

Best Audio Electronics for Paradigm S8v3 Speakers
I have the S6's as well and found a great match with the Parasound A21 after a failed experiment with Emotiva. 
Which Amp? Onkyo, Emotiva, Marantz, etc.
Well, I"d stay away from their processors. Also better to get speakers from a company that specializes in them only. 
Which Amp? Onkyo, Emotiva, Marantz, etc.
Does that 32 mean -32, or 32db below reference? or is it 32 out of a max like 80 or 100? Either way, with your size room that's not considered very loud and you wouldn't need 400 watts per speaker IMO.If receiver I'd tend to lean towards the Denon... 
Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva
I feel for you. Bob Carver has had a troubled track record to be sure. Dealers that had purchased his latest products to only have the rug pulled out underneath them have a right to be upset, and Emotiva has no doubt had a hand in the decision mak... 
Which Amp? Onkyo, Emotiva, Marantz, etc.
For starters, could you list the size of the room, the volume level you usually prefer(what decibel level?), the speaker models used and the old receiver model just for reference. I ask this because you have a 400 wpc amp listed, and unless your r... 
Parasound Halo a-21 , One overlooked great amp
Another very happy owner chiming in, my Paradigm S6 present a difficult load that this amp handles without breaking a sweat! I'm looking to get the soon to be released Parasound preamp, P5, when it comes out this summer. It will have XLR outputs(n... 
Do amps have a sweet spot?
Good point, indeed all watts are not created equally. I've got a small pair of Tannoy Revolutions, the DC4 model. They also have a small driver as well but are designed to handle much less power. I've had them for 2 years, but only when I replaced... 
Do amps have a sweet spot?
If he said the NAD was soft clipping it's because he had the clipping switch on the back on, which limits the amp at full output. Can't blame him because a salesman wants to protect his gear. What I'm surprised about is that you would want to cran... 
Old Flagship Vs New Mid-Level Receiver
The amp section on the Onkyo or any other receiver around that price range will definitely not be the equal of the B&K, so if you have 4 ohm speakers and or a larger room, the Onkyo will show its limits before the B&K. That being said, roo... 
Preamp for Parasound A21?
The Parasound P5 will be about 950, not 1400. It sounds like you have your preference for preamps, but that doesn't mean that audio legend John Curl doesn't know how to design good ones, or that he has a hand in the P5 for that matter.At any rate,... 
Nad c 162
That's a pretty good price, I'd make sure it has no issues because it seems under priced. 
How can a 30 watt, 28 year old amp sound more
Recently I came into possession of a Sansui receiver from the mid 70s, an HK integrated from about 82 and an Onkyo integrated from 85. They all had this in common, they were calibrated or voiced to work well with sources such as tape decks and tur... 
Clear Day cables vs. Morrow Audio Cables
I bought a pair of Morrow interconnects (MA3) several months ago, and can concur with the idea that they need a break in process. I went with them after some research and got a nice uptick in sound quality over my old cables. I can't say I compare... 
Hum in left channel - Parasound Z
I posted here 24 hrs ago, still not showing up? Phoning was good though. 
Hum in left channel - Parasound Z
That attenuator seems to have done something, or exposed some issue. It's worth phoning Parasound directly, their service is amazing. Call 415-397-7100. They may even give you the owner, Richard Schram, to talk to. Many have reported what a knowle...