
Responses from rsf507

What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@mijostyn can you list some current mode phono stages?  
Aidas Durawood Rainbow Cartridge "Review"
Yeah that's what's so great about the GN PH-10, so flexible and you can almost use any cartridge and get the correct settings. Enjoy  
Aidas Durawood Rainbow Cartridge "Review"
Love the GN phono. It's 1 of 2 phono stages I use. What settings are you using it on with the Aidas  cartridge?  
Aidas Durawood Rainbow Cartridge "Review"
Nice! What table & arm is it mounted on?  
I saw AG member's post about "the best cables" sold directly. What about Anti cables?
I've tried them and was not impressed.  
TurnTable recommendation with dual arms - up to $20K used
Look at a Kuzma Stabi R. It can accept upto 4 arms. Most are with 2 arms and I believe they cost around 12-15k new (without arms)    
CARDAS newsletter: Counterfeit Cable Warning! on FleaBay
Fake Cardas cables? No I don't believe it.   
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Just a rhetorical question. If you are buying 15k, 20k or even a 30k cartridge I'm assuming you already have a 40k, 50k, 75k turntable and maybe a 20k plus tonearm? Not to mention the price of a phono stage and the associated cables.   
Vintage Stanton cartridge — extreme lean to one side normal?
NOT normal! Do not use.  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Didn’t realize Koetsu’s went up to 20k. A quick Google search found this.    
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Heard the MSL Signature Gold at a dealers recently and WOW! Detail, quick and a soundstage to die for. Plus very natural sounding.  
Roon to Datasat LS10
As @erik_squires suggested try something like the iFi streamer first then for better SQ I'd go for a Bricasti M5 for around 2k.  
New VPI purchase
I was under the impression that you can't adjust antiskating on a VPI arm. Have the changed?  
Class D Amplification Announcement
@mglik please be specific on what you have compared the AGD amps to? Merrill? Atmasphere? Others? Thanks  
in the Hospital when amp, (or whatever) , arrives. Consideration over return period?
Let's first hope you are OK and recovering fine. Then hope amp arrived safely.