
Responses from rsf507

Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
@re-lar-kvothe are you talking about the Furutech Destat or ASB brush?  
Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
Furutech makes an antistatic brush:     
Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
@mikelavigne do you worry about the ozone that these ionizers produce? I'm sure you are aware that ozone can be deadly to the respiratory system but not sure how much these devices produce. Your thoughts?  
Prana Distribution
@idler-21st can you explain what went wrong?  
Prana Distribution
The BBB lists them in Cambridge, MA but Audiogon lists them in Medford, MA. Their website doesn’t give an address which is unusual.  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Well said @daveyf +1  
Ultrasonic record cleaners
I’ve tried/bought a Kirmus ultrasonic cleaner and it worked well, heard blacker backgrounds on many LP’s, not all but thought it did a good job. Problem was it has so many steps involved in the cleaning process the machine just sat around and I ne... 
100% USA designed & made DAC
Sorry have to disagree regarding Schitt, it is just ok but compared to many others it is very flat and 2 dimensional sounding IMO.   
Fraud /SCAM
@mitch4t this individual still a member of Agon? If so can you PLEASE give us their user name PLEASE  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@mijostyn I know in a previous post you said you had not heard the Gold but curious if anyone else in this thread have listened to the MSL Gold Sig? How does it compare to the Platinum Sig? I’ve had the pleasure of hearing the Gold Sig several tim... 
Best DACs under $7,000.00
Yes thanks @lucmichaud1 for the info…..most helpful.   
Here comes the PS Audio's streamer -- anyone excited?
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
For anyone that has heard the MSL cartridges can you describe the differences between each model? I've only heard the Sig Gold and it certainly took my breath away. My dealer is new to the line and can't honestly tell me what I might expect from o... 
Does Everyone Use 2 Phono Cables with SUT
Thanks for the update. Cables, especially phono cables, in my experience, can take 100 to as much as 250 hrs to break-in and open up based on the small signal going thru it. Have patience and enjoy.  
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
I'm guessing you're paying 20-25% just for the metal work of these ultra $$$ amps. Maybe more if its Boulder.