
Responses from rsf507

When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
I'm guessing you're paying 20-25% just for the metal work of these ultra $$$ amps. Maybe more if its Boulder.   
Phono Stage Upgrade
Wouldn't buy used or new unless had a chance to listen first.   
Order of importance and budget percentages
In my experience power cords 1st .   
Best DACs under $7,000.00
What have you narrowed your choices too?  
Best DACs under $7,000.00
@gregjacob have you listened to any of the dac suggestions? Thoughts? Did you buy anything?  
Furutech Lineflux NCF cable
Just came across this review:      
Furutech Lineflux NCF cable
Anyone? 185 views and no one has heard these?  
Re-tip Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
OP how new is your Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cart? Unless you listen 20+ hrs a day (lucky you,) then you have many, many years of listening to your cartridge. Enjoy  
Best DACs under $7,000.00
Agree the Bricasti M1 SE is wonderful as is the M3. Can't go wrong with either IMO  
Ortofon MC Cartridge Problems ??
Ouch! This shouldn't happen on a 1k cartridge let alone any well known cartridge. I'm sure you are careful but if the arm/cartridge can run into the center where the label sits this "may" be an issue. Don't really know just thinking outloud  
FIdelity Cables or Virtual Dynamics
That's what I’ve heard about HF as well. I'd be staying clear of this company from all the reports online.  
Phono Stage Upgrade
OP if you can you should have a listen to whatever phono stage you plan on buying first. Otherwise it could be a costly mistake.  
Phono Stage Upgrade
Field coil dava cartridge
Yes they are getting good press but based on such a small company it wouldn't be something I'd be looking at. I recently heard a My Sonic Labs cartridge (can't now recall the model) and was blown away. Never heard such detail and tonality like thi... 
OP don't know your budget but this looks like a great deal