
Responses from rsf507

Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
+1 @ghasley   
Analog Upgrade itch
Don't like tables that have dedicated attached dust covers, they tend to vibrate and ring IMHO. I'd go with a Stabi R on some sort of vibration table like Minus K or Vibraplane, I believe it would sound superior to a Stabi M just sitting on a soli... 
One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer? Kuzma Stabi R can accept up to 4 arms  
First record cleaner
Look into the original record cleaning machine ever made for the BBC, Keith Monks.   
Shakti Stone
Tried several years ago didn't hear anything.  
Do older power cables still hold up to newer ones?
If you like the sound of your system, upgrading cables would be low on my priority list. Sorry but if you like the sound of your system a great ac cord will just make it sound better IMHO and experience.  
Power cord for Bricasti M3
I've tried a few different ac cords on my M3 and have settled on an Audiomica Callisto Ultra over  PAD or Cardas. Very musical, clean and natural sounding.  
Speakers To Replace Castle Edens
Yup said it before the Harbeth's have no soul....they play loud for their size but don't communicate the music IMO  
Am I Better Off With Limited Low Frequency Speaker In A Small Room?
I heard those Harbeth's and found them too relaxed sounding and no snap to the sound. Just not engaging and a bit dry sounding. Agree did not sound real and always like a speaker was playing.   
A comparable phono preamp
@mal11963 what's your price range? Looking for ss or tubes?  
Mconnect and Bricasti
I love my M3 even more so than my M1 (non-se version). Does everything I was looking for.  
Pearl Acoustics Sibelius vs Horning Hybrid Aristotle
I've heard Hornings several years back, very clean sounding but lacked bass definition and impact IMO.   
Am I Better Off With Limited Low Frequency Speaker In A Small Room?
Totally agree with @mijostyn regarding room. Hope there's no tv in room!   
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@mikelavigne I appreciate all your responses think they are spot on. Your integrity is above reproach. Please keep us informed of your listening regarding your cartridges. Thanks @mijostyn for the list of current mode phono stages. A quick search... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@mijostyn can you list some current mode phono stages?