
Responses from rodman99999

What kinds of tubes I can use?
I have no idea of the quality of your amp, but- As I stated at the end of my other post; there are numerous things on which good sound staging depends. To be blunt; Coming from China(or anywhere. China just makes it more likely), your amp COULD co... 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
What Semi said, times 2 
What kinds of tubes I can use?
Here is a site that describes the presentation you can expect with various 6SN7 tubes. ( I've personally tried all the top 6SN7GT/VT-231 variants mentioned, and have found the Sylvania 6SN7W(tall bott... 
You can't have too many apostrophe's
Paul- I'm not the one that has trouble understanding, or that's bothered in any way by context error. No need what-so-ever to "clear things up" for me, Thank you. As I mentioned; It's obvious you can't contain yourself. SEEK HELP, and ADIOS! =8^) 
You can't have too many apostrophe's
Paul posted, "This might be my last post in the thread. Now you guy can burn me in effigy; have a blast! :)" Apparently: he can't help himself(five posts post-posting that post), like so many others in these forums. Paul- You said, "Writing "arena... 
Iso Clean Fuses
I'm not a "believer", I'm a listener. I've made a living with my ears for over 30 years. We(Those of us with ears and resolving systems, that have ACTUALLY tried the fuses) have the experience of actually hearing the differences that these fuses m... 
Iso Clean Fuses
How many of you nay-sayers have actually tried the Hi-Fi Tuning, IsoClean or Furutech fuses again? Surely you're not simply offering unsubstantiated, empty opinions? I've upgraded every power supply and signal path in my audio chain with OS-CONs, ... 
do fancy fuses help?
AHA!(or, as we say in Hebrew, "ACHA!") If it had been, "meshugenah" I'd have recognized it. The craziness is how many express their opinions without EVER having tried what they're opining about. How empty-headed is that? 
do fancy fuses help?
Tvad- Could you define, "meshuge" for us? Well: You lost me and my Funk and Wagnall's anyway. 
do fancy fuses help?
Replace just the Main power fuse first. That will answer your question. If you can't hear the differences in nuance at that point... Then again: It sounds like you were able to discern the differences with a power cord swap(if I'm reading your pos... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
I've noticed many Know-nothings that have swirled through these threads, in a Cyclonic man-ner, for years. =8^) 
Need help with room treatment acoustic treatment
Some good tips here: ( 
Iso Clean Fuses
What you consider, "too much" to pay, or what effort you're willing to expend for improved sound, is directly proportionate to you love for music and your ability to hear. Then, of course, there are always the Julian Hirsch disciples(everything so... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
Jeff- "If you haven't heard it: You have no opinion" is a quote from Ivor Tiefenbrun, the founder of Linn Audio Products. Not really that profound, but completely accurate! 
I've heard 100K+ systems set up improperly, or in a lousy room, that sounded terrible. Then again; there are many people that can't stand the sound of live music, prefer transistor radio caliber reproduction, or will choose the very back row of th...