
Responses from rodman99999

Room EQ
Sarcher30- Try one of the TacT Audio systems(with a MauiMods power supply). If you are not opposed to actively bi-amping: the RCS 2.2's are transparent enough not to lose a bit of ambience, timbre, soundstaging(width/depth) or image information, w... 
ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?
Mofimadness - I said your suggestion, "May work", so- BITE ME! 
ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?
If the screws are as tiny as most in the equipment we use(#4 or smaller): none of the extractors mentioned will do you any good. A hole large and deep enough to insert the tip of the extractor is required, and you won't have the material to drill ... 
Can NOS Capacitors be trusted?
It's been over 12 years ago, but when I needed the multi-section cap for a Dynaco I was restoring, these guys had just gotten some fresh ones manufactured for them, to original specs: ( I gave the(by then well modded) ... 
Digital cable optimal length?
Tobias- Read the Jan 2,1997 entry in it's entirety: ( You would think that the people marketing, or the thousands that have purchased Canare 75ohm RCAs over the years, would have noticed if they did no... 
Baby name opinion....
My wife was in the hospital to deliver our first child. The lady sharing the room overheard the doctor use the term, "placenta" and thought it so pretty, she named her daughter that. True story!! They walk among us! 
Should I do it or Not??? Tech question
Replacement output transistors(like tubes) will have varying bias requirements. Without knowing the current setting for the design you're working on, you're headed for trouble. A setting to low or too high for the replacement outputs will cause pr... 
Digital cable optimal length?
YES- 75 ohm BNC and RCA connectors most certainly DO exist: Refer to the site URL that I posted previouly in this thread. 
Digital cable optimal length?
I owned both .5 and 1m Kimber Orchids for use between my CAL Delta and either Sigma or Alpha DAC(back when). The .5m was consistantly terrible(in a number of audible ways), compared to the 1m(which was wonderful). Rat Shack cables(like everything ... 
Uneven speaker cable lengths and cable termination
Sometime in 1986(published Jan '87): your mentors at Stereo Rephew did listening tests with a Pioneer receiver, transformerless tube amp and Levinson monoblocks. Of course- they determined that they were all sonically identical. UH-HUH!! I'll keep... 
Beyond Chutzpah
What an unmitigated crock of shiite! Did you happen to notice the sophisticated interweaving of power cords/interconnects and the adjustment of the graphic EQ(set for maximum enjoyment of 60Hz hum and EMI hash)? Even equipped with a Fisher CD play... 
Digital sound is fine, but analog rolled off Why?
You may also want to play with the VTA adjustment of your arm, even if it requires obtaining Rega's spacers to do so. The effects that you describe can be caused by VTA maladjustment: ( 
Does anybody smell smoke?
At least his latent suicidal tendencies haven't affected his business ethics. Nasty damned habit: smoking! 
Uneven speaker cable lengths and cable termination
Keep the lengths as even as you can afford, but don't wind any excess into a coil. Doing so will form an inductor, and affect that channel's frequency response. Bare wire is fine- but disturb the connections often, as oxygen will have easier acces... 
Kimber Silver, Hybrid, or Copper....preference?
I'm using KS-1130s in my system. If adding any of The Kimber products to a system results in a sibilant, analytic, or harsh sound: Rest assured the cable is simply revealing something elsewhere in the system. Transparency is Kimber's forte, and it...