
Responses from rodman99999

What is a typical life span of a stylus or cartrid
Does your dealer carry this one? ( You might also consider the Rega(P2 & P3) table/arm combos, that have motor/arm upgrades available for future performance enhancement. 
Disconnect the woofer
You're correct on both those counts. I was stating what would be MY concerns in such a situation, and (again)addressing the blanket statements. It would be nice to hear from the OP, regarding the complexity or simplicity of his X-over, so his ques... 
What is a typical life span of a stylus or cartrid
If it were me(now that I know the price range): I'd buy a new unit(12% isn't much of a discount for used/demo gear). Still- I've never bought a cartridge(in the past 30+ years) without first inspecting the stylus, via a microscope. I've seen a num... 
Disconnect the woofer
What amount of power would be dissipated would not concern me. You brought that up. The signal degradation, resulting from by those devices dissipating energy, and the differences in a circuit's impedances brought about by removing a reactive devi... 
I always do something stupid...
Damn those suppers! 
What is a typical life span of a stylus or cartrid
Hello Sky- Is that $70 off the regular price of a $200, or a $20,000 table?(BIG difference) Seriously: 30 hrs is not much time off the lifespan of any turntable/cartridge combo, and there really is no "typical life span" either. A cartridge's styl... 
I always do something stupid...
I started to post that the only people that make NO mistakes, are those that do NOTHING. Of course- They don't have much fun either! Kinda what Mr C just said. 
Disconnect the woofer
Perhaps you've never seen an EQing X-over, such as that in the Rogers, Harbeth, Chartwell, Spendor or KEF LS3/5A, LS5/9 and other BBC approved monitors, the Harbeth HL-P3(with it's 21 element crossover) and so on. There are a number of trim resist... 
I always do something stupid...
Mr D- How old are you? I generally call my brain-farts, "Senior Moments", and leave it at that. Obviously- Once a certain chronological point is attained in one's lifespan; these events will increase exponentially(unless one compensates, as Mr_man... 
EL34s -- your picks for best?
Ah, yes- The Source! Then there are the tubes in the Fisher pre-amp. How old/what brand are those? Replacement there with NOS Amperex could transform your system. In fact- A newer phono stage, or upgrading the caps/resistors in your existing one(a... 
Time Needed to Break In Tubes Properly Breakin
And then there are those that will never perceive any difference. Some of the changes in nuance are too subtle for many an ear. There are many systems that are simply not resolving enough, and will mask the changes. Lots of variables, but yeah- I'... 
Disconnect the woofer
Many crossovers have a simple 1st order Butterworth section(an inductor) in series with the woofer Some let the woofer's natural inductance roll off the mids/highs. If there's more than that(a cap to ground after an inductor, balancing or EQ circu... 
Time Needed to Break In Tubes Properly Breakin
Some info on the burn-in for 300B tubes:( ) You might read the first paragraph and footnotes on page three also. I haven't found another tube that takes as long to burn-in, but most change charac... 
Equalizer or acoustic room treatment or?
( Pay particular attention to the paragraph regarding the OP amps Sony uses, and the TIM they generate. Intermodulation Distortion is a major cause of listener fatigue. Further info: (htt... 
What tubes for ST-70
If it's using the 7199: It's probably still the stock design board, and the signal path components are on top(no need to open it up). Solens are way better than the oldies too. Happy listening!